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[2D GRAPHICS] Need Sprites for Your Games - IGB let's you build them!

I'm happy to finally show the project I began years ago. I started making thousands of graphics that can be interchangeable for video game development. I wanted to make game design easier for indie developers.

I showed my project to Steam and they were amazed enough with my project to extend a formal invitation to go on Steam. All that's left to make this happen is fund the last phase of my project. Mostly to pay the artists helping me.

Link: http://kck.st/1gnWybn

Here are the coolest things about IGB:

1) Creating unique creations using thousands of pieces. There are creations kits for weapons, characters, hud's, planets, spaceships, icons, maps, and more. Video available to see this in action.

2) Over 10,000 assets are ready for release on Steam soon after the kickstarter.

3) Steam will provide easy download and updates for years to come


(1 spaceship made from over 3000 pieces to choose from)

(many possibilities from the many pieces - Final character design still in flux)


981646509fe21de884b6c4e2682446f8_large.png?1395156550 Even the animations will be in pieces to combine differently e8752a4670f3161e0da4a2fee7ed52c8_large.gif?1395156588

I hope you enjoy my project and look forward to working with you.


  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    As somebody in need for 2D assets for a programming side project I'm working on, I find this to be incredible. I think there could be a bit more clarity in the pricing, as well as some additional pricing options.

    For my own project, I have absolutely no need for any sci-fi assets whatsoever, but the only pricing options seem to involve me jumping on board for the entire package. It'd be nice if one could purchase individual assets, individual sets, or even some kind of timed subscription that is offered by a service like GameTextures for example, which handles pricing and licenses in a very affordable and efficient manner.

    I'm no business guy though, so maybe those ideas could detract from the product itself.

    Another question I had was about the release date. I may have missed it, but how long after the Kickstarter would one have to wait before getting to use some assets? Anyway, seems like a great idea, good luck!
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    This is awesome. We could really have used this a few months ago for our iPad game creation platform GamePress. However we're not taking a different route so we no longer need it.

    That being said post it on our forums. We're a small community right now, but our users are always look for art :) (http://www.gamepressapp.com/forum)

    If you're ok with it I can also include a link to your kickstarter in our next news letter that is due out soon.

    Also have you tried posting it to reddit.com/r/gamedev? I'm sure people there could really use this.
  • Roencia
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    First off, thankyou both for your comments. For some reason I only have a little over 1,000 page views for my project. So it's hard getting the word out.

    NegevPro - how long after the Kickstarter would one have to wait before getting to use some assets?

    - I've made 10,000 assets already that will be available hopefully no longer than a week after the kickstarter. With Steam, I'm hoping to have quality updates in a timely manner. I like your other ideas too, very thoughtful.


    Thanks for your excitement. I'll take a look at your forums. I've emailed the mod's at gamedev on reddit, and they said I can post about it if I provide a technical article.
  • Roencia
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    Added some lower priced tiers. I've been getting some good content suggestions by email and posts on other forums. I'd like to know what you guys want and add it to my poll.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Looks like things are getting close with the kickstarter. Good luck man!
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