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Shadow Warrior

polycounter lvl 11
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Ark polycounter lvl 11
So anyone playing this? Been waiting for this since it was announced, and oh boy does it live up to it's expectations!
I knew it would be good since it's made by the same guys that did Hard Reset which was a great game if a little hard. :P

First the combat just takes you back to the old-school style of shooters, more twitch gunplay and dodging than hiding behind a crate waiting for health regen.
The star of the show is the Katana though. If you've played Dark Messiah, then the combat is a a star above that, combined with the Spirit powers, just some of the best fun I've had playing a game.

Game looks amazing too, so much colour compared some some of today's grey/brown shooters. It also runs flawlessly, has a crap-ton of stuff going on on-screen, so much mayhem it's great!

Probably one of the best true PC shooters in ages, and I would say it's my GOTY.

Well worth picking up if you like old-school style shooters and the combat mechanics of Dark Messiah. I'm glad games like this can still be made with a industry dominated in console style shooters. :)


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