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A Journey Into Texturing

After creating my Polycount account (say that five times fast) years ago, I'm finally diving into texturing. I'm basically a n00b with Photoshop and texturing in general. I'm giving Metric Meditations' tutorial a go. Here is my first attempt at creating a tile floor texture. I'm happy and disappointed at the same time with my results. I would appreciate feedback...I think that is going to be the quickest way to learn.



  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thats very good for a start, i cannot critique it becouse i am myself very bad at handpainted textures, but keep them up and dont be dissapointed, its a very good start
  • Visceral
    Sorry for pimping my own channel but a good advice i got is that highlights are generally warm tone and shadows have a cold hue.

    You need to add some colors man.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OuraobpQPo"]Game Textures: Stylized Floor Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
  • okay54
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    okay54 polycounter lvl 5
    A good start, you should try to add some hue and saturation differences as well as adding some little details such as cracks and gaps in the tiles. Looking forward to seeing some more :)
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    they look a bit too perfect in form. also i agree with the others that you should add some hues to it, make it more appealing and give it more visual depth (make it pretty lol) I can't say much cause I too am bad at handpainted :/
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    I can't handpaint but I'll try to give some feedback. Your shapes are way too straight. You did try to chisel away the edges but it's too uniform and there's never any big indentations. Also there's no grout between your stones. Good start though!
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Have a look at this tutorial. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_GWVez_UHM"]Texturing Workshop with Jamin Shoulet Part 1 - YouTube[/ame] some really good information in there, He also has a Vimeo and youtube account under Metric Meditation.

    It's a good start though but I agree with everyone this is too clean each brick looks almost like a copy of the other, try add some colour, size and depth variation into your workflow, add little details like cracks and scratches.

    As far as a start goes though good work :D
  • redhonour
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    redhonour polycounter lvl 8
    Spot on crits here already. I think you're starting off ok, and would love to see the next iteration

    If you aren't already, make heavy use of real life reference. Maybe try a google search for stone tile patterns to get some ideas for more interesting layouts
  • Zombine
    Here is a revised texture. I still have a lot to implement. I am short on time today, but should be able to complete another pass later. On this pass I attempted to:

    - Add some grout (sp?). Still needs more color variation...I think.
    - Attempted a few cracks. Will add more later.
    - Tried to add some hue and saturation variations.

    Would love any feedback.

  • Zombine
    Here is another iteration:

    - Added some more cracks.
    - Chipped at the edges.
    - Changed the saturation and hues to be slightly different (wanted them to look like they are from the same quarry).

    I'm definitely not happy with the grout yet. Not sure what to do there...maybe some small hairline cracks...

    Any feedback would be great.

  • Zombine
    Twotents wrote: »
    Have a look at this tutorial. Texturing Workshop with Jamin Shoulet Part 1 - YouTube some really good information in there, He also has a Vimeo and youtube account under Metric Meditation.

    It's a good start though but I agree with everyone this is too clean each brick looks almost like a copy of the other, try add some colour, size and depth variation into your workflow, add little details like cracks and scratches.

    As far as a start goes though good work :D

    I'll check this video out. Funny thing is I had it added to my Youtube playlist to watch in the near future. I'll give it a go.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    It's definitely an improvement. But the chipped edges are too flat. Try to think of it as a 3d shape which you're cutting into.

    Look at this texture(not mine): screenshot0.jpg

    It has a lot more depth than yours. It was sculpted in zbrush but it's still a good example.
  • Zombine
    I've added more color variety in the tiles and added some simple noise and then blurred it a few times.

  • metric meditation
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    metric meditation polycounter lvl 5
    so far you are getting there. you have highlights on the edges of the bevels which are looking about 65% there. as the previous person said, the surface of the stone is looking kinda flat... the information presented with the usage of the cloud filter lends it to believe that the surface may be uneven. You can accent this by popping some soft highlights in the areas where your values are lighter...
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    you need to get some more color depth in and add layers of details. you need small, medium and large details. like cracks and chipping, deformations in the tiles. maybe divets and such. just make them each more interesting. treat each tile like it is its own character.

    Also, as the last person said, use the cloud filter to your advantage and use it to make it have more character.
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Starting to look much better, the highlights on the cracks don't read very well so it doesn't accentuate them too well. The variation is coming a long though, try break some of the larger shapes into smaller shapes too, Keep up the practice though and the video I linked is from Metric Meditation :D

    When I do my paint workflows though I try add techniques from other artists too, check out Jeff Parrott on vimeo https://vimeo.com/environmentartist/videos also visit Metric Meditations Vimeo channel. Finally [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_dwTB5MwzM"]Basic Low Poly Asset - Concept to Completion - YouTube[/ame] is a very great starting point, the information shared here is extremely important to beginner artists. I am myself very guilty of not following the basics of referencing and silhouetting and my art has suffered because of it.

    You are on a great start though and taking critique here as a learning point and not a personal insult will only better you as an artist!
  • Zombine
    I really appreciate all of the feedback. Here is another iteration. I tried to increase the opacity on a layer that had some of the highlights on the actual stone material. I also tried to add some shadows to the beveled edges.

  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Starting to get some detail in there! Keep it up man!
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    its looking a lot better. remember you can push some more details further, make some of those crevices (the divets and imperfections) deeper. also, push your values.
  • metric meditation
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    metric meditation polycounter lvl 5
    Hey!!! There ya go! Even adding those small highlights makes a huge difference. Maybe you can try to paint another one, but try a different stone configuration... We learn by doing. The more we do, the more we learn. Keep up the good work.
  • Zombine
    Hey!!! There ya go! Even adding those small highlights makes a huge difference. Maybe you can try to paint another one, but try a different stone configuration... We learn by doing. The more we do, the more we learn. Keep up the good work.

    Well...I am using your course after all. ;)

    My goal is to wrap this one up tomorrow and do a new one from scratch to see how I do from start to finish.
  • metric meditation
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    metric meditation polycounter lvl 5
    I hope you are finding the tutorials useful. They are geared to beginners, but you seem to bse picking it up quickly..
  • Zombine
    I'm finding them very useful. Can't wait for more.
  • Zombine
    I think this completes this texture. I'm not 100% happy with it, but I learned a lot of things from doing it. I'm sure I could do a texture of higher quality in a fraction of the time now. In fact, that is precisely what I'm going to do. :)

    I'm posting the first iteration along with the last iteration for comparison sake.


  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    thats a lot better. something you can do to really see how it looks, and see how effective it is, throw it on a plane in maya or whatever 3d package you use.
  • Twotents
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    Twotents polycounter lvl 4
    Throw it into Marmoset toolbag, setting up lighting etc is just easier there in my opinion at least. But it is a marked improvement dude.

    What I would suggest is try another material type like wood next. Keep challenging yourself to do something that's out of your comfort zone, and don't feel bad if it doesn't come out looking like magic just keep up the practice because it does make perfect.
  • Zombine
    luge wrote: »
    thats a lot better. something you can do to really see how it looks, and see how effective it is, throw it on a plane in maya or whatever 3d package you use.

    I have a copy of modo. It is certainly fun to look at on a 3d shape.
  • Zombine
    Twotents wrote: »
    Throw it into Marmoset toolbag, setting up lighting etc is just easier there in my opinion at least. But it is a marked improvement dude.

    What I would suggest is try another material type like wood next. Keep challenging yourself to do something that's out of your comfort zone, and don't feel bad if it doesn't come out looking like magic just keep up the practice because it does make perfect.

    I think that I will actually throw it into Leadwerks Game Engine a little bit later. I'll post a screenshot.
  • Zombine
    So here is my base texture I've been working on. The first one is without the surface detail being pushed. The second I tried to add small highlights and shadows to the surface. I took a lot more time with this one than my prior attempt.


  • Zombine
    Here is one with extra surface highlights and shadows.

  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    What is this texture supposed to be?
  • Zombine
    luge wrote: »
    What is this texture supposed to be?

    Just a base material of stone at this point. Going to do multiple variations using this base later.
  • BlenderCube
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    BlenderCube polycounter lvl 7
    I have only skimmed this thread so if i'm repeating I apologize.

    Even if you want very flat painted textures I would suggest a rendered AO/curvature map which you can use as a base for the bricks giving you a realistic finish and will help with getting the right shape.

    As for your base texture I can see what you are trying to do but its has no color variation, maybe experiment with dirt/moss congregating in cracks.

    I don't pretend to be an expert so please feel free to discount my feedback :D.
  • metric meditation
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    metric meditation polycounter lvl 5
    this is a good start. you are building your foundations of values for a base texture. as something that is stylized, you are on the right track. It is a bit dark, so go to your base color layer (if you are following along with the tutorials) and brighten that up a bit.

    if you want, you can certainly take a copyright free image from cgtextures or take one of your own... say some sand or other ground image, and throw an overlay.

    you can also copy the layer that uses the cloud filer, and saturate it a bit with warmer colors and try a different layer style such as overlay or lighten. and mask out the darker areas. basically, warm up the areas with lighter value.

    I always tell my students that textures will always look like poo when you are developing your base textures. its normal....all my base textures look like poo before I hit 65% done. its part of the process to build up your layers and brush strokes.

    for a hand painted texture, you are on the right track. don't stop... keep going.
  • AlexRodriguez
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    AlexRodriguez polycounter lvl 10
    Just stumbled upon this thread, I am also going to be tackling the task of learning to texture in the next month then span it towards a few months out

    I am almost done with my current task of learning to model (which by now I am almost nearing the level of a advanced modeler)

    I wanted to ask what type of texturing are your interested in (texturing prop models or more of environments such as creating dirt/rocks)

    *Will hop in time to time to track your progress good luck*
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