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[wip] swamp monster

polycounter lvl 11
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wenglish polycounter lvl 11
here's what im working on right now. Im mainly wanting feedback about the vines. do they look like vines? if they dont how could i make them look like vines?

any other feedback is great too



  • wenglish
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    wenglish polycounter lvl 11
    just gonna bump this once, if nobody has any crit ill just move on to texture. sometimes no feedback can be feedback haha
  • VanLogan
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    VanLogan polycounter lvl 10
    Right now I think you need to do some research and gather some more references. Looking at this creature it's difficult to understand what it is or how it lives. Is it an insect, thus the jointed limbs? If so I think you should sculpt those after an actual insect.

    Get a ton of photos of insect joints and sculpt from those( If that is what you are going for)

    I think that you need to solidify the creatures anatomy before you can move forward with texturing.
  • wenglish
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    wenglish polycounter lvl 11
    thanks for the feedback!

    its not supposed to be an insect or anything real. the impression I am going for is a fantastical shelled creature with stumps and tusks of bone, who is wrapped in vines that are growing around it out of the shell. the closest real world creature would be a crab I guess. Im rather happy with the shell and bones personally, I feel like the vines may need some attention. any suggestions for that?
  • VanLogan
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    VanLogan polycounter lvl 10
    Instead of sculpting the vines on the shell I would make it as a separate subtool. That way you will have a lot more control over it. If you don't know about insert mesh brushes, I think you should look into that. I think it will help making the vines a lot easier.

    Best of luck.
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