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[UDK] Space-age Strongbox (Sci Fi Room)

polycounter lvl 8
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jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
Hello Polycounters,

I have been working on a Sci-Fi environment for the past 3 weeks in my spare time.

I work 9 till 5 Monday to Friday but trying to spend most of my free time on this environment and applying for environment artist positions.
I am still working on making more props, finishing the floor textures and starting the roofing textures/models. I’m using mostly tileable textures; I’ve gathered a lot of reference material which can be found here.

When I complete this scene I will be adding it to my portfolio and hopefully it will aid me in the job hunt. I realise it might/could take me a while to land my dream job but I am very motivated to keep getting better and better so hopefully it’s just a matter of time.

I’ve been playing around with my materials but still not happy with them yet, I’m not sure if it’s my textures that are the problem. I am using cube map reflections in the shader but the shader is not complete yet.

I will be posting my progress as I keep moving forward with this; I might add any tips/advice/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for looking. :)

This is the other side of the room but i havn't even started working on lighting or floor on this part but i do plan to finish all of it.


  • janeil24kid
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    janeil24kid polycounter lvl 6
    looking great dude! :)
  • mark williams
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    mark williams polycounter lvl 5
    Good progress so far. I'd suggest thinking about a focal point, you've got a lot of repeated assets around the walls - what's going to be the thing to draw the viewer's eye in? Maybe a unique asset or a change in lighting. You could try painting over one of these images and see if any ideas come to you...
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Great start, man! The only thing I have to say so far has to do with your floor in the first shot, I feel like it might be a bit too noisy, the detail being too high frequency. Not sure it reads well.

    Keep it up!
  • jamiemurphy
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    jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
    Hey thanks for responses,

    Mark Williams – Thanks for your suggestion, It has been on my mind for quite a while regarding having a focal point, my original intension was to make the door very interesting but at the moment its basic in silhouette and only using a basic tileable texture that’s used everywhere else in the scene. I think I will end up making a sci-fi vehicle perhaps.
    I have done doing paint-overs in the past mid-way through a project and find myself wasting too much time on them. I prefer to gather lots of references then draw really quick sketches on paper and have a plan in my head.

    Prophecies – Thanks for that, I defiantly agree with the texture being too high frequency i changed it but even my new texture is still too high in frequency, i might do it again, again. :)

    I’ve made a few floor textures with basic diffuse/spec at the moment; I will be changing these so bear with me. I will keep adding more props to the scene and some form of new lighting prop that will justify me adding some directional lights to the scene. Currently I’m using one reflection cube map and 2d reflection maps on the floor, both shaders are at the early stages and still need plenty of tweaking.

    Current Scene

  • mark williams
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    mark williams polycounter lvl 5
    Good stuff. I'll be interested to see how you progress .
    That lowered level seems to be crying out for some kind of vehicle/dropship :)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Agreed ^

    It would be cool to have a center piece or focal point in the environment. A dropship being worked on would be great.
  • jamiemurphy
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    jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
    Hey all, making some progress but still delaying the drop-ship... if I’m going to do one I want to do a really good which might take me awhile
    I’m thinking of making some props that have monitors on them to get some more contrast into the composition. The door-frame needs work, still not sure what to do with it but no doubt it’ll involve lots of pipes. :D
    The roof is still work in progress and I want it to look interesting but not over the top that it’s drawing attention away from the main focal point.
    Still not sure if to change the floor to something less harsh on the eyes, I’m not using any vertex painting yet but I’m thinking about doing so to add some grunge.
    Any suggestions, tips, advice, criticism greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for looking.
  • jamiemurphy
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    jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
    Current Progress:
    Made a test render of the current scene, I'm thinking of changing the flooring textures/meshes, back wall and roof still need work.

    Blockout of drop-ship i have started on, trying to make sure it looks good in the scene as far as silhouette goes before going into any detailed forms. No doubt it will completely change before i start the high poly model.
    I’m having a few issues getting a good sense of scale in my scene so I will be adding some props that help give hints, I’ll probably go with adding some monitors and staircase down to lower floor.

    Any critique would be great!
  • [Deleted User]
    the result you're getting is great, has a lot detail everywhere. the center of attention you're doing can be awesome!
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