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Starcraft 2 - Siege Tank (AgesOne)

polycounter lvl 8
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AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
Here are my first few screen caps of a StarCraft 2 Siege Tank model i will be working on. It is a WIP and all and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in Advance!

These are my main concept photos.

And these are some ScreenCaps of my WIP

Tred Close-up

Top View

Side View

...Updates to come very soon!!


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    what concepts are you using to model off of...since the drawings contradict each other, right now it seems like your doing a melding of the two, but a good start so far, my only thought right now is that the front and back modules (front and back tred areas) are a bit soft feeling

    but keep it up man, good start keep on churning!
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Hey! thanks for the reply, its much appreciated.
    i will definitely try and work on the front and back treads a bit more here right away.
    i also posted the concept i am going off of definitively now.
    as well as some more progress pictures. let me know what you think.


    My WIP, Wireframe
    My First AO Pass
    Top View
    Front View
    Side View
    Cannon Seiged and Unseiged
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Heres another AO Pass. with a bit more work done, and proper mirrored GEO

  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    heh, that looks familiar, your concept ref is my model, just thought i would pop in, and say good work so far. i would definitely recommend improving on it and not just replicating it (makes em both less special). really make it yours, and unique. pull things from other tanks you like, throw some art love at it (had to rush it in production). good work so far, keep it up.
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Oh Wow! never thought the artist who actually worked on this would see mine haha thats awesome, i really appreciate the comments. i completely agree with you when u say to make it my own. Only thing is this is an assignment for school so my instructors are really wanting me to show i can take a concept reference and replicate it. however i do have some ideas to put my own little twist on it later down the road. hopefully you'll see those as well!

    Anymore advice or feedback would be extremely appreciated.

    here are some more WIP screencaps

    Thanks Again!

    AO Renders

    WireFrame Caps




  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    heres the sieged version starting to take shape!
    i modeled the foot first to make sure it all fits correctly in its first form.
    the rest ill be modelling from here since it will be easier to see if the shapes are correct and if i need to cheat (a little bit to make it all fit) it will be less noticeable hopefully =S
    i will do my best not to cheat the Geo though

  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Here are a couple more photos to show some progress. i will be fixing the leg on the Sieged version later tonight after work. (Superbowl Sunday's gonna be nuts =S)

    as always, all and any feedback would be amazing!


  • GrungyStudios
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    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    Super beasdt modeling skills! Looks realy good man
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, thanks Grungy, i appreciate that.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Nice work so far man, a pretty intricate shape to nail, and you are really getting there. Cant wait to see progress on the edge constraint and SubD side of things now that you got a lot of the major shape work in there!
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks Adder, you have some really nice work there yourself!

    heres the tank and im finally done modeling!
    gonna start on the unwrapping and baking tonight.


  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    Here is my tank with texture work started.
    i was able to limit it to 5 texture maps at 2048x2048
    i will continue working on the texture, spec and AO maps for the time being.
    as well as working on environment assets to show along with my tank. so it doesn't look so lonely. =P


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    This is looking pretty good but i think you really need to work on your material definition it doesnt read as metal, a better spec and lighting could aid the model :)

    but looking good man
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Very cool so far man, great work here!
    The main thing that sticks out to me here at this stage is a lot of your edges look too sharp to me. If you look at the concept it has a lot of nice soft transitions in the shapes giving it an overall softer more round feel to the hard surface. I would consider playing around with your highpoly a bit more and re-baking to attempt to get more of that feel from the concept. Its subtle, but it really does make a big difference imo. You could also play around in photoshop, but that might not be the best route.
    Again, great job here, looking forward to seeing more!

    [edit] I'm talking mainly about that middle area, above the tires/treds but below the main haul/gun section.
  • CharlieD
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    CharlieD polycounter lvl 11
    This is a fun project to follow. Just curious though, did you actually build out a detailed high poly? Or is this just a kind of medium poly model? If you didn't, you should take the time to make a detailed high poly and go all in on this project, because it could turn out to be something pretty cool and a big learning piece.
  • AgesOne
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    AgesOne polycounter lvl 8
    hey! thanks for the responses guys!
    lewis i completely agree, it all has a pretty uniform and non metallic feel ATM, so i was playing with some spec maps last night and i think with a bit more work and some proper lighting and an IBL should hopefully sell that alot better.

    Brad and Charlie. same here, i agree.

    it IS a more medium poly model, my plan to get that more round feel of the concept is to take this model into zbrush and start playing with and shaping the panels and corners a little more.
    once i started texturing this thing i could really start to feel how flat the model was. so hopefully that will help and if u guys have any other suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
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