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P90 with Attachments W.I.P

polycounter lvl 8
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Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys, I am working on a P90 with its attachments. Please let me know what you guys think, I currently have a few things made but I can always revisit them.

P90 with Attachments





Sparc Red Dot Sight


EOTech Red Dot Sight


ACOG 4X Sight


BSA Red Dot Sight


There is another version of the Silencer the extended barrel and a few other objects that would look weird on their own. There will be more coming so let me know guys! Currently what is left is:

1: hybrid sights
2: 6x rifle scope
3: 12x rifle scope
4: Leupold DeltaPoint Reflex Sight
5: Weapon Strap


  • PopeAK49
    Very nice. My favorite is the ACOG 4x scope. Keep up the good work.
  • coresplendor
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    coresplendor polycounter lvl 4
    Awesome work! Only thing missing here is some nice wires. Keep it up!
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Nice work so far. Things that caught my eye:
    - Your shell catch bag at the ejection port makes sense, and after looking at it for like 15 seconds trying to figure out what it was I thought to myself, "Okay, I see it now, guess that works". With that reaction though, I thought it was both a little much and also reads as some sort of blobby, out of place, model. I personally would ditch it, and go with just rail accessories like you have in the later renders.
    - You have uneven edge weights on most of your models. On some of your optic work, you have nicely rounded edges for baking (might be a tad tight still, but could pass depending on your baked texture size). For instance, on your last posted image of the reflex sight, you have the two tiered sight pieces, the base and the actual optic portion above. The lower has really a really tight forward edge edge closes to the camera) and then right above that on the section of the optic you have a nicer, softer edge.
    - Other than the two major points, I say just soften up your edges a bit more a majority of your optics' eye ports and major structural edges, and they will be golden.

    Nice work on the rear screw section of the ACOG, really nice gradated feel like they do IRL. Overall, solid modeling job. BAKE IT! :)
  • gutty333
    Amazing work, loving the scope
  • Chicken Dip
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    Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys, im currently working on getting the edges nice and soft... everyone seems to love the scope, time to become a professional scope modeler!
  • coresplendor
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    coresplendor polycounter lvl 4
    A few details caught my attention and i think they could use some quick fixes.

    The first image i highlited two parts that needs some fixing when comparing with this image: http://www.thespecialistsltd.com/files/Replica_P90.jpg

    The others are just some really small details.

    Anyway, as i said before, awesome work!
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    some things you could do to improve the eotech & Acog

  • Heretic Interactive
    I think you need to fix the suppressor, maybe you used an airsoft one as reference? Either way that barrel is way too small. Good job on the scopes though!
  • Chicken Dip
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    Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys, i have been working on the Scopes and have some more to show, I fixed the few issues mentioned by joeriv and coresplendor. Anyways, here are the images!

    Aimpoint 3X mag


    ACOG Scope Fixed:



    EOTech Scope


    Armasight Nemesis 6X


    Comments and crits are welcome, there will be a few more scopes coming...
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Nice improvements :)

    To go a bit further, 2 more small things:
    1) Watch out with the size of the knurling, this is probably just gonna dissapear in the normal map.
    2) The back of the acog, the lens is a bit more inset, and the tube where it sits in has this nice rounding, while yours is a bit flat/hard edged.


    The next thing isn't needed, it's just my opinion, this takes some time, so if you just want to move on to the low, don't worry about it.

    I would maybe take another shot at making the highpoly renders, currently what you have is just that basic material, so it's not bad, but for someone who is just looking at some work, it doesn't make you stop to look at it, because it's just a very standard common way to do highpoly renders, and it's also lacking some contrast.

    So my advice would be, if you would want to maybe catch a few more people's eyes is to maybe have a look at keyshot (bit pricey if you aren't a student) or toolbag2, or maybe just mental ray, and make some actual materials (it's actually not to hard with some procedural stuff or tileable textures), get those decals/text in there, read up a bit on offline rendering, and so on.
    It makes you stand out a bit more from the crowd.

    And if not, I'd maybe just try to make the renders "pop" a bit more, did some quick 15sec adjustments, not to great, but should maybe give you an idea of what I mean.
    You can also do things like render out a seperate AO pass, to use that to add some color, etc.

    But it's looking nice, so keep it up :)
  • Colditz
    Nice objects, I appreciate your attention to details. Very good work. But that's of the reasons I stick to WWII weapons, you don't have to create so many different attachments for the rail. Wasn't really common this time. By the way, I hope your rail system is compatible with other weapons you create later. I always had some minor problems with that...
  • Chicken Dip
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    Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys, I have been working on the last few scopes.

    @ Add34: I am currently softening up the edges on all the models.
    @ Joeriv: I fixed the back of the Acog sight. I am really considering your thoughts on re-rendering the models. Just need to find the right colors/presentation.
    @ Colditz: Thank's for the comments. I have a way to get the rails and attachments to work perfectly with each other even if i create a new weapon from scratch. I basically created a template of the rail and use that as measurement. I'm sure there is a better way to doing it but this way gets it working for me.

    Alright, now, to what everyone has been waiting for.








    Right, I have my last scope tomorrow!
    Comments and crits are welcome. Rip me a new one.
  • Chicken Dip
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    Chicken Dip polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys, been a bit, was busy so i didnt have the time. Anyways i have started the textures on the P90, Here we go. let me know what you guys think and what i could do to improve it.


    Rip me a new one!
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