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Mudbox UVs and 3ds Max

polycounter lvl 10
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acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
Is it possible to make changes to my UVs in 3ds Max and apply them to that same model in Mudbox after I've already made alterations to it on the original set? I've realized I have messed up and it's an easy fix but I don't know how to handle the situation. I'm still learning how to use Mudbox. Any help, if it's possible would be great.


  • reedweinstock
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    reedweinstock polycounter lvl 8
    I think you can use "send to 3ds max" and then use "send to mudbox"
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    My version of Mudbox is 2011 and sending to Max isn't an option. It does say under the file menu, "import UV..."

    I'd like to think that would be an option to do so. The more I think about it, the logical part of my brain tells me it would be possible. It sounds like a waste of time if I fucked something up like that, just due to human error that I'd have to start over.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    export level0 of you mesh (one object at a time) to max. make sure to disable multiple object export/import option if any so that vertex order doesnt change. redo your UVs without changing any topology. then export that back to mudbox and use "import UV". then recreate level UVs in mudbox. it should work out fine.
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    I just have to mess with the UVs in the UV editor. There's an area where I use a stencil, it appears smeared. Yet on the ends it appears crystal clear. Am I saving the UVs and using that file to import the UVs into Mudbox or taking the OBJ file or FBX file and importing that as the UVs?
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    Found this on Max Forums. Guess if I knew what I was looking for, this post might not have been necessary. Ha ha! Regardless, thanks for the help.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    You can also just import the changed model into your Mudbox scene and delete the old one, assuming that you're just painting the model and not sculpting it.
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    I've done that. Everything went great. For some reason, still, in the middle of my model when I apply the use of a stencil, it appears smeared or off. Yet on the top and bottom it's crystal clear. I have replaced my UVs and the checker pattern looked great compared to the first set. I've used the Stencil in a tiling set up and sculpted in lightly the pattern I'm looking to achieve.
    What I want...

    What I don't want...

    Every time i try to learn new software, I run into issues. Grrrrr. I appreciate any help given thus far and hope to return the favor in the future somehow.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    that does not look like it has anything to do with UVs, your model may not have enough topology or subdivision. either try subdividing your mesh more or add more cuts (loops/rings) to your base mesh so that when you subdivide there is enough uniform topology to sculpt small details.

    if you are new to 3d in general then i recommend you read up on the basics of 3d modeling and texturing and what UVs are used for. for example, UVs on a model is ONLY needed when you are applying a 2D texture to it in some manner.

    UVs are essentially the two dimensional map of the same 3d mesh so that a 2d texture can either be painted on it or applied in some manner like a displacement map and or plain displacement.

    in mudbox, you only need UVs on your mesh if you either paint texture on it or use the "sculpt using displacement map" feature or if you are baking texture from another mesh. for regular sculpting your UVs do not matter.
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    I'll look into that. I do believe in those areas I may need to subdivide due to the distance between each edge. When it comes to Mudbox, I'm new. So, if something goes wrong and I don't know the answer, I go off what I do know and think if it would somehow effect the Mudbox sculpt. When I get home today from work, I'll add loops in that area. It's usually something simple I overlook. I think zebras galloping and not horses sometimes. Ha ha!
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    So far so good. Instead of starting a new thread, thought I'd ask here. I can get to level 6 with the mesh I'm currently working on. A little over 1 million polygons. I try to go higher and I receive the error, "Not enough memory to complete this operation." I have 8gb of RAM running on Windows 7 64-bit. I'm going to shut down any programs that I don't need and try again. Thought I'd ask what I can do to fix this issue?

    Update: I was able to go to level 7 and get 6 million polygons and it's what I need to get the detail I want. Had to shut down some background programs that were not necessary at the time.

    I'd appreciate any tips to improve performance to keep this from happening in the future.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    first of all, 8gb ram is just not enough now days specially if you want to work on heavy duty sculpting and high res texturing. get at least 16gb ram or if you can manage 32gb. i personally use 32gb ram. mudbox also relies on the power of your GPU. i use AMD Firepro W7000 with 4gb vram and i can sculpt on a 40mil mesh without any lag at all.

    if upgrading your hardware is not an option for you at the moment then you will have to plan your base model topology very carefully. you need to break up the base mesh into different parts according to your needs.

    for example, you can separate the part of the mesh that needs lot of sculpting details into a new object and put more edge loops in there. this way you dont have to subdivide everything. you only subdivide areas that you want to sculpt more detail into and you can also hide parts in mudbox while sculpting to increase performance.

    btw, you could try sculpting in zbrush since zbrush does not really use your GPU and all it needs is 4gb ram. alhough it is CPU dependent you could still get a lot higher polygons initially with zbrush.
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    I kind of figured that RAM was the issue but with all the different answers I was finding through searching the net, I'd like to know for sure what has to be done. I'll buy some updated RAM tomorrow and see how that plays out.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    besides physical RAM, you should also check your virtual memory settings.
    ideally you want to use a dedicated small hard disk just for virtual ram and could easily use 32-64 gb of hard drive space purely for virtual memory.

    also what is your graphics card ? that also plays a good role is Mudbox performance.
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    I'll look into virtual ram sometime today. I don't have to work. I also realized by accident that I'm using a 64-bit operating system and a 32-bit Mudbox software. I installed this a couple years ago not thinking about it. Install ed the 64-bit version this morning and I'm sitting at 12 million polygons no problem. Didn't know that small thing would have an effect but now I know. I'm going to go hide in a closet now. Ha ha!
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