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Sketchbook: DXP

Decided to finally make one of these(despite having a good day turn into a bad one...)

Anyway this is mostly old-ish stuff that i'm in the process of importing and refining etc...


This is Unit 02, its a character i've designed for a quick game prototype i'm making in UDK...still need to get this actually in the engine...


Not sure if I can post this here....hope I can anyway. I modeled this also a few months ago now.

Feel free to critique/give suggestions etc.


  • DXP
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    Something i've just finished today:

    ended up with a 224 poly mesh, detail was baked from a 13,520 high poly mesh.
  • DXP
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    Another quick prop I got done yesterday, currently imported into UDK.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Hey man! just saw your thread over in general discussion. Figured I'd see if I could throw some good feedback your way.

    But first I have a few questions for you.

    1) What are your goals? It's important to know where you want to go with your art. If you share them here, we can give you more focused feedback to help you get where you want to go.

    2) Do you want to do stylized or realistic?
    3) Do you want to do character, hard surface or environment art?
    4) Do you want to work primarily in Pre-rendered game cinematics or realtime?
  • DXP
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    Thanks for replying to answer your questions:

    1) My main goal is to create art for my portfolio that can get me a position in a company as a 3D artist.
    2) I work towards mainly stylized art but am in the process of attempting a bit of realism.
    3) Was mainly looking at environment work, however I wouldn't mind doing a little bit of all three of them.
    4) Realtime.

    Hope that helps :)
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    DXP wrote: »
    Thanks for replying to answer your questions:

    1) My main goal is to create art for my portfolio that can get me a position in a company as a 3D artist.
    2) I work towards mainly stylized art but am in the process of attempting a bit of realism.
    3) Was mainly looking at environment work, however I wouldn't mind doing a little bit of all three of them.
    4) Realtime.

    Hope that helps :)

    Cool! Ok then, So first up, I'd suggest doing some environments. The best way to get a job doing what you want is to just start doing what you want to do. and Do it well :) Find a piece of concept art and model/texture a small scene. Be careful on the scope, make it do-able in a short time so you stay motivated and interested. Maybe something like this?


    Next, study color theory and design! Your environment props and robot thingie clearly show that you have the technical capability to create 3d art and get them rendered/presented. But if I remember correctly in your other thread you mentioned that you graduated 4 years ago? If thats the case then these really don't show the level of skill after 4+ years of making art.

    The Dalek model is good, but you need to push the textures/rendering to really make it look professional.

    If you've taken a long break thats understandable but if you want to make it into this industry you're going to have to work your ass off to compete with the other environment artists out there. I don't want to discourage you. It's doable. It's not easy, but if you want it bad enough you'll make it happen. This part of the post is meant to encourage you and light a fire under your ass. :)

    Top things to focus on:

    1. Color theory.

    2. Design hierarchy - distribution of details and how to lead the eye around your 3d model. I see a lot of primary forms and tertiary forms but not much in the way of secondary forms. Your textures also follow that pattern. Think in terms of small medium and large. Small details can become noisy if they are given too much prominence in a design. Too many small scratches can be distracting if they are very bright on a relatively dark background.

    3. Model and texture real things. Making up sci fi stuff isn't the best place to start. Mostly because it's hard to critique since there is no point of reference. If you want to make something that isn't real, then choosing a concept to model/texture is also really good.

    4. Learn about next gen games physically based rendering and how to create textures for it. (If you want to do stylized stuff I recommend checking out the tutorial by tyson murphy on 3dMotive, also look up and study threads by Jessica Dinh here on polycount.)

    Thats all for now! Good luck!
  • DXP
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    Thanks for the reply!

    Sorry for taking so long to get back to you been busy working on some things.

    I've read your feedback and I will take your advice and start doing some small environment work, shall start posting progression over the next few days hopefully. :)
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Looking forward to seeing some updates. As a side project to improve your rendering for your Dalek model I'd suggest looking up linear workflow in relation to rendering and create an IBL and render it in mental ray.
  • DXP
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    First attempt at stylizing a wooden pallet:

    Already had the mesh done a few months back, so decided to re-uv map it and hand draw the texture.
    Looking forward to seeing some updates. As a side project to improve your rendering for your Dalek model I'd suggest looking up linear workflow in relation to rendering and create an IBL and render it in mental ray.
    Shall look into testing that out at the weekend. Thanks for the advice! :)
  • DXP
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    Quick barrel done and dusted to go with the Pallet, just standard diffuse textures for now.
  • DXP
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    Updated the Dalek rendering.
  • DXP
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    Starting points of the next thing I'm modelling.
  • DXP
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    Another model done and dusted:
  • DXP
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    Now with added minecart...need to do some texture adjustments on the wheels.
  • DXP
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    Now all these are done I can finally start building the level.
  • DXP
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    Damn i've let this slip into dust mode >.< been busy with project works here and there and other things outside of indie/mod work etc:


    Quick hand sculpt I did.


    And a leg sculpt, both of these along with the other parts of the model are already compiled and working as a character inside UDK:


    I really don't like Organics though, but lately i've just started really looking into them more and more and find them interesting.

    Edit: Here is also the progress of the small map i'm working on using stylized art:

    Got bits and pieces still to get done but should get them done soon.
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