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polycounter lvl 8
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Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
*there are spelling errors in the image. I speak English as my first language, I was just typing in a rush. I'm so very sorry.*

Hey guys, so the other day I came up with a neat idea. I saw some native artwork. I thought to myself, "Gosh, totem poles sure are neat. I wonder what a modern totem pole would look like." That got my brain spinning. Sci fi totem poles, demonic totem poles...What about little totem poles? That could have functions? Not all of them need functions, some could just be cool art.

So my brain kept spinning...What if Polycount had something like this? Every artist could make their own piece to the pole, and have it designed to their own style. Artists could then buy other peoples chunks and collect them, trade them, etc. Polycount could get a small cut of the money (to help run the site), and the rest would be split with the artist and the 3D printing company.

I made this image to illustrate what I mean a bit better:

So. I have no idea where to take this or if it should even be taken anywhere.

How would the 3D printing work? Is there a service that offers high quality yet affordable prints yet? How would the money split evenly? What about colours/materials?

The biggest problem I can see is creating a universal template scene for people to make stuff in. They wouldnt be allowed to change the tops or bottoms of the chunks and would have to stay within the constraint of the Y axis or else chunks might not stack.

So I'm bringing this idea here. If someone wants to take over and organize something like this, be my guest. Add to the idea! Subract to the idea! This is just random brainstorming.

All I know is it would be super cool to have a head sculpted by ______ and a sci fi crate hi poly modeled by ______ with a neat little micro environment sitting on top modeled by ______.

Also, mods feel free to take this down. I hope I'm not infringing on the site or anything by using Poly or the greentooth logo.

If this doesnt work for Polycount I still think it would be a cool collection idea for digital artists from around the internet. Tell me your thoughts!


  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I really like this idea, would be so cool to have pieces from my favorite 3d artists on my desk :)
    I don't have anything more usefull to say, but I find this very interesting :D
  • RogelioD
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    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    I think this is an amazing idea and something I would fully support. I'll have to think about it some more and see if I can add to the discussion in a more meaningful way, but for now all I can really say is that this is an awesome and thoughtful idea!
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Sounds like a cool idea , maybe you can think of a everyday object thats useful and not just decoration and can be made out of chunks, like a ash tray, or a holder for photos, something, having a totem pole is only a collectable ( cool however tho) but if you had a object that you need anyways, it would be a lot more desired and increase the actual demand a lot. A modular pencil / brush / wacom etc holder sounds nice per example like on your concept, maybe in a horizontal stacking form. Vertical should be rather problematic, and you couldnt stack too many, but im not sure, just some thoughts ; )
  • nyx702
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    Very novel idea! I love the community aspect of it. Feel the love.

    I'd probably buy some if the price is right.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys! Shrike, horizontal stacking could be interesting as well...hm. The only problem with that is it would take up a lot of desk space and my original idea was for it to be something that could stack vertically so it takes up less space. Maybe there could be both?
  • James Ordner
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    If you wanted it to stack vertically as well as horizontally 4 out of the 6 sides would be used up. I like only vertical stacking myself. Great idea :)
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Vertical stacking for sure - and I don't see a need for it to be functional, it's a decorative item after all!
  • Axios
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    Axios polycounter lvl 10
    Making chunks functional, as in with moving or multiple parts seems like a big. Purely as decoration it could be nice, though you'd need some guidelines to address bounding boxes and balance so it won't all fall over. Additionally, you'd probably want a standard base pedestal piece to improve balance. Horizontal stacking is unnecessary and would likely be less interesting as well.
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 12
    really cool idea!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I love this idea! I remember awhile back talks of new contests were brewing and someone brought up the idea of having a Polycount Tower contest, essentially modeling a modular room piece and all the pieces would be stacked, can't remember any more details or how much steam it gained but I thought it was a cool idea. And this idea is even greater cuz it would mean I could buy something from my favorite artists.

    Obviously the money aspect is the biggest hurdle but hopefully Adam sees this thread soon and can give some thoughts
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Keep the 'default shape' cylindrical, just like a regular totem and greentooth. Use only the top and bottom for the main connections. Maybe make side thingies (like horns or wings) optional with relatively small holes, like 5 mm or so? I figure a tapered cylindrical base (with the word 'polycount' wrapped around) should be stable and simple enough.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps just agree on a standard and have everyone upload the models to thingiverse so people can print themselves or use any service they like.
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    i do love this idea. I had come up with it a while ago, but couldn't get any momentum behind it at the time.

    I agree with Justin that a standard is needed and a place to store them. To be honest on the selling part of it, i dont see that working out at least immediately. Polycounters are not big on spending money here. with that in mind a place like Thingverse is perfect for this as its free.

    You can upload the models and others can download them and print them as they'd like. They can also take them to a service like Shapeways and have them printed on their own too.

    The Thingverse also has several different types of connection style models: ie; legos and tinkertoys and tons more. You could download them, then make a standard connection type from it. Then that model, you can handout to everyone wanting to make one to incorporate into their own models.

    I wouldnt mind Polycount supporting a model archive in the future as well, but right now we got enough on our virtual plates.
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