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The "New Look" for Lina and Crystyal

Hey guys and gals!
It is actually my first message here on Polycount and first forum message in a good while, so let me get straight to business.
The idea is: I've got an idea for paired Lina and CM sets. The New Look style initially developed back in fifties by Chrisian Dior and other French modellers has exqusite touch of feminity and in my opinion this is what most of their sets (most of them are really awesome anyways, I admit) lack.
Here here are some sketches of what I have in mind (please no " leave it to beaver" type jokes :poly117: ):
PART I TAKE: full concept, all the references modeller asks, texturing, promo arts.
PART I NEED TO BE DONE: modelling, retopology, normal maps, texture maps, final adjustment.
SPLIT THE BOUNTY: from 40(mine)/60 to 50/50.

PS: in case you're wondering, here's my steam workshop (concepts only)
and any other works that might be of interest to you can be found here:


  • Artypi
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    Artypi polycounter lvl 5
    There are some elements in the CM concept i like, such as the cowl and the staff. my main concern however is that there isn't really anything in the designs that reflects cm and lina as characters? they both just look like two very well dressed ladies, instead of the ice/fire sorceresses they are

    Asides from that it might be a little too modern out of place for the Dotaverse, which has a high fantasy visual theme

    With that being said i think modern fashion and fantasy elements look great when combined together, but the idea needs more refining before it can really achieve that unique look
  • mickeytheretriever
    Artypi wrote: »
    There are some elements in the CM concept i like, such as the cowl and the staff. my main concern however is that there isn't really anything in the designs that reflects cm and lina as characters? they both just look like two very well dressed ladies, instead of the ice/fire sorceresses they are

    Asides from that it might be a little too modern out of place for the Dotaverse, which has a high fantasy visual theme

    With that being said i think modern fashion and fantasy elements look great when combined together, but the idea needs more refining before it can really achieve that unique look

    I have no objections here. The idea itself really needs refining and adjustment to dota's unique fantasy style.
    However, I need to repeat the sketches are pretty rough, mostly made to show the silhouette and fashion details I would love to use.
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with Arty. There's not really much that reflects Lina or Crystal Maiden. Don't get me wrong, they look good, but you're not incorporating any of their design elements and styles, specially on Lina. Also, be very careful with the character's silhouette and the overall theme of the game. Again as Arty said, it looks too modern to fit Dota.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Not gonna lie though, the silhouette of the line set is down right gorgeous.
  • Strange
    Contrary to some of the above posts, I believe these concepts have an avalanche of potential. Fusing this genre of fashion with the core aesthetic elements of Lina and CM will create a visually unique, inspired and thematically solid design that is sure to be a popular fit into DotA 2. Perhaps, find a collaborator here on Polycount for easier success.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    My issue is with the heads on both heros. I like the idea, but the heads or too literal of a reference to the inspiration as opposed to using the inspiration to work these fashion elements into the Dota style. I think you captured this perfectly with CM's shoulder/cape, but then the head just pulls me right out of Dota.
  • agito666
    that concept might very fit for alice in wonderland in the "tea party" part....
    *sip tea*
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    I love this. I love the idea of incorporating high fashion into designs. Its cutting edge not only for design, but an amazing idea for games.

    However I'll echo the concerns and say that the choices of high fashion should inform the concepts, not necessarily dominate the designs. That said, that CM is beautiful, and might be one of my favorite concepts ever. I'll be excited to see these evolve.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Nice! I love 30's and 40's fashion. I did a concept of a 40's style CM ages ago but got vetoed by another artist who also have a 40's set they were working on at polycount. Have to wait till they are done before I finish it :(
  • agito666
    one thing i just noticed, will high fashion theme normally comes with bare foot? *points at lina*

    no wonder i feel quite weird when i look at lina. CM wise is okay :P
    (just the staff maybe too small from the draft)
  • foxclover
    I like the first lina design the most. These designs would add a nice aesthetic to the game. The concepts need a bit more work though, they're more just silhouette blockouts. Personally, I think it needs more detailing on the wide expanses of color.

    I also agree with agito, lina would look weird barefoot with these designs.

    Anuxi: that's just silly, you can't claim an entire time period! If the concepts are different enough, it shouldn't matter what inspired it. That piece has been in progress for so long, I thought you'd decided not to continue!
  • agito666
    foxclover wrote: »
    I like the first lina design the most. These designs would add a nice aesthetic to the game. The concepts need a bit more work though, they're more just silhouette blockouts. Personally, I think it needs more detailing on the wide expanses of color.

    I also agree with agito, lina would look weird barefoot with these designs.

    Anuxi: that's just silly, you can't claim an entire time period! If the concepts are different enough, it shouldn't matter what inspired it. That piece has been in progress for so long, I thought you'd decided not to continue!

    and the "fish net" for the face, personally i feel Lina is TOO "elegant" for the new looks, maybe need tone down for her "HOT" attitude.
    and personally that Lina concept if apply on CM i think maybe works well.

    for lina "elegant" looks i only can related the Cruella De Vil (101 dalmatians )
    yup, bitchy bitch attitude :P
  • mickeytheretriever
    Hey there, polycount residents! :D
    Nope, I'm not dead, still here, just had some health issues
    Anyways, I'm back and glad to thank you for you wonderful advice, and here's what I came up with after thinking over your suggestions for a while:
    In my opinion, this way Lina looks a bit more... Lina-ish? Still having that touch of elegance in her look.
  • mickeytheretriever
    Nice! I love 30's and 40's fashion. I did a concept of a 40's style CM ages ago but got vetoed by another artist who also have a 40's set they were working on at polycount. Have to wait till they are done before I finish it :(

    That does look amazing! I'm a big fan of the XXth century's fashion as a whole, and its first half in particular, so you cannot imagine how sorry I am this set didn't make it to the workshop yet.

    Mind if I ask you, what do you mean by "got vetoed" in this context? That sounds a bit.. harsh towards you? I mean, people can invent the same things simultaneously by accidend, without any communication. Why should this wonderful idea be put aside just because it is similar to another in some way? Hope I don't poke my nose into personal stuff :S
  • mickeytheretriever
    alright fellas, here's what I've come up with, not seeing any particular interest in these ideas :D
    Zbrush part is almost finished. I also have no problem with testuring, all I really need is someone making UV and retopology.
    I don't know, I understand it doesn't look super cool, my debut in 3d after all, but it feels like it has some potential, maybe just a fasle feeling lol
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