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Portfolio Review (Attached images)

polycounter lvl 5
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SimpleLife polycounter lvl 5
Hello fellow Polycounters!

This is my first post on here and I wanted some insight from my peers as to what I could improve on in my Portfolio. I'll attach some images for you to see as well but the link to my website is http://www.skylightcg.com.
I would love your opinion on what I should improve on, remove, add, etc. Thank You!:)




  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Looks solid man. Uniform, Clean, easy to navigate. Good stuff. I don't have much constructive to contribute, except:

    That 1911 is waaaaaay too skinny ;) nice renders though.
  • DWalker
    Overall, you need to work on textures. Most of your projects are untextured, which makes them feel unfinished. Those textures you do have feel simple if rather noisy.

    The shadows & lighting in the first image don't match the photo's. In the photo, there is a strong direct light just above the horizon on the right, with very little ambient. Your render, however, is lit almost entirely by the ambient. (Compare the shadows on the grass with those from the car.)
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, I agree with S6. The layout of the site seems as clean and good as it should be. Apart from the ever ongoing quest a 3d artist feel to improves his/her portfolio, I think you're covered.

    Just follow the usual method of replacing your weakest piece when you make a new/better one. Dunno if that helps.
  • SimpleLife
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    SimpleLife polycounter lvl 5
    thank you for your input! I will definitely put your comments to use and work more on texturing.:)
  • jddg5wa
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    jddg5wa polycounter lvl 8
    How come you have untextured versions of your models in one category and then the same models textured in another category? Can't the untextured and textured photos go together?
  • SimpleLife
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    SimpleLife polycounter lvl 5
    jddg5wa wrote: »
    How come you have untextured versions of your models in one category and then the same models textured in another category? Can't the untextured and textured photos go together?

    I thought it would feel too cluttered, maybe I could add it with the same category but thumbnail size instead, what do you think?
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not too sure about this so maybe disregard what I say, but your goal is to work in professional 3d. You have game art in your professional 3d Portfolio. Wouldn't it be more apt to leave that out? Some people have 2 portfolios, so I guess if you like doing game art for personal/freelance you could always have a separate portfolio?

    Nice work anyway!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah, I feel your portfolio is too all over the place to be really useful for applying for jobs. Multiple portfolios or a more focused portfolio would be a lot better for actually getting a job. I have no idea what you want to do with your career, most artists put what job they want at the top next to their name.
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