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I want to model your character designs! (blizzard/riot/carbine style)

polycounter lvl 3
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KKolar polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys, so I want to start focusing my portfolio on specific companies (Blizzard/riot/carbine) but I can't seem to find a place to start. Although I do love making my own concepts I sometimes feel like I'm holding myself back.

So, I thought it would be a fun idea to have you guys post your concepts on here that you would like to see modeled. I will choose my favorite one/s and we will both hopefully get some recognition. Even if its not yours and you find a really cool concept that fits the style, I would love to see that as well (Although it would be more fun if it was yours.)

Please don't be sad of offended if I don't pick yours. I'm doing this to put in my portfolio and to hopefully help me get a job so I'm looking for very interesting and high quality concepts.

That's pretty much it, I can't wait to see your guys stuff,


  • WadeWT
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    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    I'm not sure you'll get too many responses for this kind of request. You might be better off either doing a fanart of one of those companies concepts or looking on cghub for concepts you'd like to use. Just make sure you ask permission.

    No harm in asking, though. Someone might post up a concept. :)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    You can look through DeviantArt.
    Or better yet, use the concept art made by Blizz's concept artists.
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