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New to 3D Modeling and I Have a Few Questions

Hello Polycount,

I've been a 2D game enthusiast for over 30 years now and I've only recently got into 3D. I've attended school for game programming but 3D modeling wasn't offered in my major for some reason.

Anyway, I've always been interested in mocap so I decided to see if I could do it for myself and decided on Brekel with MotionBuilder and now I really see the potential for modeling and I'm very excited to learn more.

I have a few questions about where to begin though. Right now I have 3DS Max, Maya, MotionBuilder and Mudbox but I have been modeling and rigging in Blender.

It seems like too much, which programs do I actually need to create game art?
Here is what I'd like to do specifically:
-Create models with body types similar to "the Simpsons" characters.
-Create Textures
-Use motion capture to create the animations. (Brekel Kinect and MotionBuilder work fine so far) (bvh, fbx)
-Have the ability to render them to 2D sprites with a cartoon shader effect.

I may or may not use the models in a game, but I will certainly be using them as sprites. I'll more than likely learn this first and then get into 3D programming afterward.



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