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Your Steam Account - Games Owned vs Games Played

Ok, this tool is evil. I feel I have wasted so much time. If only I spent the time making art instead.


Type in your steam profile, and hit the "get disappointed in your life" button....

Here's mine.

Games owned 112
Games not played 75 (67%)
Hours spent 753.4h
Account worth $1511.59

My top 3 games played....

309 hours - Dungeon Defenders
128 hours - terraria
110 hours - borderlands 2

How about the rest of you?

EDIT: The price / worth is based on current prices, and doesn't take into account gifts and sale prices that you bought them at. Also, It only counts currently installed games. If you`ve deleted your game at any time, it will reset your played time, it seems.


  • Stromberg90
    Offline / Send Message
    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I am not disappointed :D

    Worth: $2793.41
    Games owned: 186
    Games not played: 102
    Percentage: 55%
    Hours spent: 4,647.0h

    Top 3/4 games played.

    2,023.7h - Football Manager 2013
    1,098.6h - Football Manager 2012
    213.1h - Football Manager 2014
    189.8h - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    Little disclaimer about the top 2 games, most of that time is running in the background not playing :P
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Not bad, I'm taking a break from playing games because it felt like I had a problem and it turns out I put in 79 hours into my most played game.

    account age: 9 years old

    Games owned: 138
    Games not played: 51 (37%)
    Hours spent: 867.9h
    Account worth: $1503.90

    79.9h hours - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    66.2h hours - Borderlands 2
    50.8h hours - Borderlands
  • SanderDL
    Offline / Send Message
    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    Prizes are a little off sinds I got most of my games for free or at crazy discounts. Most of my time played comes from L4D and Age of empires online. Can't say I'm dissappointed.
    • Worth: 133,37€
    • Games owned: 25
    • Games not played: 3
    • Percentage: 12%
    • Hours spent: 159.0h
  • skylebones
    Offline / Send Message
    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Don't feel too bad about this.

    Games owned 52
    Games not played 19 (37%)
    Hours spent 375.3h
    Account worth $783.56
  • ScudzAlmighty
    SanderDL: It's current price and not what you paid when you got it.

    *Worth:* $2030.82
    *Games owned:* 143
    *Games not played:* 81
    *Percentage:* 57%
    *Hours spent:* 843.4h

    Top 3 games are:
    Team Fortress 2 160hrs
    Crysis 2 41.2hrs
    Left 4 Dead 2 31.5hrs.

    But then I've also got 3Dcoat at 231.7hrs and Source SDK at 33.4hrs

    Actually looking through my list and some of these figures are not all accurate. For example both Half Life 2 episodes are listed as 3hrs, even though I've completed both of them multiple times. And I definitely didn't spend 6.5hes with Portal 2 The Final Hours...
  • myclay
    Online / Send Message
    myclay greentooth
    Games owned 296
    Games not played 173 (58%)
    Hours spent 862.5h
    Account worth $3939.85

    My top 3 games played
    Orcs Must Die! 2 52.8h
    Grand Theft Auto IV 52.2h
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution 39.0h

    well.. for more than a month of pure gaming, all I can say is this;
    I did my part to keep the Industry alive and you in your seats to make art. ;)
  • glottis8
    Offline / Send Message
    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Games owned 170
    Games not played 39 (23%)
    Hours spent 2,288.0h
    Account worth $2844.51

    Top 3 Games
    Left 4 Dead 2 172.1h
    XCOM: Enemy Unknown 127.2h
    Team Fortress 2 105.0h

    I do have to say that some of the games not played are games i played on console that then bought on sale to keep. Not bad tho!
  • Bruno Afonseca
    Profile creation 10 years ago (November 26, 2003 – 23:22:08 UTC)
    Games owned 172
    Games not played 130 (76%)
    Hours spent 476.7h
    Account worth $2537.38

  • marks
    Offline / Send Message
    marks greentooth
    Well. Shit.

    Games owned 168
    Games not played 121 (72%)
    Hours spent 1,852.7h
    Account worth $2376.48

    My top 3 games played....

    853.4 hours - Counter-Strike
    - I think this one could be wrong, considering I played this quite seriously competetively for eleven years
    396.8 hours - Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
    243.8 hours - Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Steam sale might just have twisted the numbers a bit, got 17 games over christmas. Im surprised that I have played Borderlands 2 and Just Cause 2 the most.

    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: 1462,78€
    • Games owned: 110
    • Games not played: 41
    • Percentage: 37%
    • Hours spent: 1,380.6h
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: $1984.65
    • Games owned: 163
    • Games not played: 85
    • Percentage: 52%
    • Hours spent: 4,205.3h
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)
    • Worth: £977.52
    • Games owned: 103
    • Games not played: 50
    • Percentage: 49%
    • Hours spent: 622.8h

    Not too bad
  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    I always felt like the games I hadn't played were far greater than those played with all the humble bundles and the THQ bundle. My games not played includes betas, mod tools, and duplicate GOTY editions so it's actually closer to 20%.

    Games owned: 194
    Games not played 55 (28%)
    Hours Spent: 1057.5

    Account Age: 8 years

    Top 3 Played:
    Terraria: 109.1 hours
    Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year: 98.6 hours
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: 48.1 hours (Spelunky will replace this in a few days)
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: $1488.82
    • Games owned: 131
    • Games not played: 77
    • Percentage: 59%
    • Hours spent: 1,999.4h
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Fun. :)
    • Worth: $2310.25
    • Games owned: 208
    • Games not played: 130
    • Percentage: 63%
    • Hours spent: 605.1h
    top 5
    Space Pirates and Zombies 82.1h (this game....)
    Terraria 37.2h
    Universe at War: Earth Assault 34.6h
    Bastion 33.7h
    XCOM: Enemy Unknown 29.5h
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Profile creation 7 years ago
    Games owned 64
    Games not played 20 (31%)
    Hours spent 359.5h
    Account worth $859.51

    top 5

    Dota 2 144.2h Free or No Price
    Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II - Chaos Rising™ 53.7h $19.99
    Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II 31.8h $19.99
    Champions Online: Free For All 24.8h Free or No Price
    Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II – Retribution™ 11.6h $29.99

    To be frank. Champions Online should be out of list replaced with Warhammer 40k: Space Marine. As CO most of the time is probably from launcher :D
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    My Steam Profile

    • Worth: $1729.87
    • Games owned: 184
    • Games not played: 45
    • Percentage: 24%
    • Hours spent: 1,432.0h

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - 533.0h
    Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer - 181.4h
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer - 144.0h

    These numbers aren't exactly correct because they're just taking the playtime from the steam profile but steam hasn't been tracking game playtime since the beginning. I know for a fact my most played game on Steam is Counter-Strike:Source as for 2 years it was the only game out of my list of 10 games that was multiplayer and so it was basically all I played, all day every day haha.

    There's no reason to feel bad about your own stats though, check this guy out.

    I put his name in also:

    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: $23255.66
    • Games owned: 2120
    • Games not played: 1463
    • Percentage: 69%
    • Hours spent: 7,428.9h
    Left 4 Dead 2 - 940.2h
    Left 4 Dead - 446.3h
    Killing Floor - 306.1h

    I don't understand who could play L4D2 for that long. I can barely play it for an hour at a time!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    NegevPro wrote: »
    I don't understand who could play L4D2 for that long. I can barely play it for an hour at a time!

    yup, people like different games, I can't stand modern military shooters myself.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Games owned 77
    Games not played 63 (82%)
    Hours spent 70.7h
    Account worth $953.33

    Though I feel that is not correct.. I played A LOT of CS Source back in 2004-2008, says I only played 17hr.... I played more than 17hr in a single weekend before.

    Thanks to this there are a lot of games I did not know I had...........
  • pear
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    pear polycounter lvl 8
    oh god

    Games owned 188
    Games not played 92 (49%)
    Hours spent 7,788.7h
    Account worth $1795.63

    my top 5:
    Team Fortress 2 3,587.8h
    Source SDK 1,540.4h
    Dota 2 1,216.9h
    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Beta 191.1h
    RIFT™ 163.4h
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    yup, people like different games, I can't stand modern military shooters myself.
    Good point, I've been meaning to give L4D2 another shot anyway as I really only tried it once. I recall the L4D1 beta being a blast with a friend of mine but when the full game came out I had no money so I never purchased it. When I finally got L4D2 I just played it alone and that is most likely why I didn't have fun playing it.

    Since it was just free for a day I'm going to assume the community will be extremely active so I'll check it out again.
  • Pangahas
    Offline / Send Message
    Pangahas polycounter lvl 10
    Games owned 98
    Games not played 30 (31%)
    Hours spent 2,319.4h
    Account worth $966.19

    top 5:
    Dota 2 - 1,645.9h
    Don't Starve - 168.9h
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - 133.5h
    Team Fortress 2 - 62.7h
    Nether - 36.5h
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Games owned: 98
    Games not played: 44 (45%)
    Hours spent: 1,451.1h
    Account worth: $1343.21

    Top 7
    Team Fortress 2 486.2h
    Skyrim 133.8h
    The Witcher 2 127.8h
    The Binding of Isaac 69.7h
    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition 62.8h
    Street Fighter IV 52.0h
    PlanetSide 2 48.7h

    My not played is inaccurate, I've played 15 of the ones with 0 hours on them. So I've actually played 75%
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: $442.74
    • Games owned: 39
    • Games not played: 18
    • Percentage: 46%
    • Hours spent: 759.2h

    I never played the top 2 most played games on that list. Sharing the account with my brother, so you can easily shave off about 500 hours of the total hours.

    That being said, yeah, definitely not correct.
    I played waaaay more than 3 hours of CS:CZ
  • bounchfx
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)
    • Worth: $3468.95
    • Games owned: 233
    • Games not played: 143
    • Percentage: 61%
    • Hours spent: 997.4h

    oh god
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8

    Games Owned 266
    Games Not Played 139 (52%)
    Hours Spent 1715.6
    Account Worth $3210.75

    Top 3 Games
    Team Fortress 2 552hrs
    Guild Wars 405hrs
    Skyrim 121hrs
  • Marine
    Offline / Send Message
    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)
    • Worth: $2468.44
    • Games owned: 192
    • Games not played: 82
    • Percentage: 43%
    • Hours spent: 2,167.6h

    eh, could be worse
  • Joshua Stubbles
    Offline / Send Message
    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    • Worth: $3831.56
    • Games owned: 290
    • Games not played: 158
    • Percentage: 54%
    • Hours spent: 2,192.3h

    Top 3
    • EVE Online 322.3h
    • Arma2: Operation Arrowhead 174.8h
    • Arma2 118.3h

    Most of the unplayed games are part of packs I bought. Games I really didn't want, but included 2-3 games I did. Meh ;)
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    oh glob.

    * *Worth:* $1019.38
    * *Games owned:* 82
    * *Games not played:* 35
    * *Percentage:* 43%
    * *Hours spent:* 1,807.2h

    Dota 2 1,086.3h
    Borderlands 2 163.4h
    Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition 112.2h
  • rino
    Offline / Send Message
    rino polycounter lvl 12
    • Worth: $1257.19
    • Games owned: 123
    • Games not played: 60
    • Percentage: 49%
    • Hours spent: 968.0h
  • AbKI
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    AbKI polycounter lvl 6
    Thank god this hasn't counted my MMO habit. My old Xfire account was much more scary. :)

    • Worth: £637.30
    • Games owned: 74
    • Games not played: 49
    • Percentage: 66%
    • Hours spent: 145.6h
  • nufftalon
    Offline / Send Message
    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    Games owned 19
    Games not played 13 (68%)
    Hours spent 10.9h
    Account worth $299.86

    I am loving portal 2 atm I know I am late but yeah.

    November 26, 2011
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Seems a lot of people are hitting the 50% not played mark. Really odd occurrence. How wants to do data analysis ehh?
  • Mark Dygert
    Seems a lot of people are hitting the 50% not played mark. Really odd occurrence. How wants to do data analysis ehh?
    Someday I'll play through the games that came in that bundle... maybe.

    It also counts some weird things as games, stuff like SourceSDK, Portal2 Publishing Tool, Left 4 Dead 2 Beta.

    Also there are a lot of older games that are listed in mine with no hours played but I know I spend the better part of 2-3 years playing.
  • AtticusMars
    Offline / Send Message
    AtticusMars greentooth
    • Worth: $1077.82
    • Games owned: 70
    • Games not played: 38
    • Percentage: 54%
    • Hours spent: 647.1h

    191.8h - Total War: SHOGUN 2
    154.8h - Dungeon Defenders
    62.1h - Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
    51.5h - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    31.9h - Ys Origin

    Dark Souls 2 can't get here fast enough
  • moose
    Offline / Send Message
    moose polycount sponsor
    lol sigh. So many things bought in sales for $1-5 and never touched.

    account is 9 years old
    • Worth: $3073.60
    • Games owned: 171
    • Games not played: 134
    • Percentage: 78%
    • Hours spent: 462.1h
    and my top 2 games played are fucking Free. Tho to be fair, I mostly used DOTA2 to view tournaments, haven't played that much outside the tutorial :)

    119.2h - Warframe
    82.8h - Dota 2
    69.3h - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    64.5h - Borderlands 2
    37.3h - DmC Devil May Cry
    13.2h - Torchlight II
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Seems a lot of people are hitting the 50% not played mark. Really odd occurrence. How wants to do data analysis ehh?

    I got a lot of sdk's and dev kits in my steam that still count as games. Than there is the fact that hours have only been persistently tracked over the last few years, believe that started around when orange box was released. So lots of people with older games could have 0 hours on them even know they have played them in the past.

    Also I'm sure some people have bought games on steam for cheap, that they already own and played from a retail copy, especially for older games. I know i have done that for a lot of older games, just for the convince factor, and not having to worry about losing disks and crap.
  • equil
    Games owned: 188
    Games not played: 185 (98%)
    Hours spent: 6.1h
    Account worth: $2553.22
  • ambershee
    Offline / Send Message
    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I think I win on percentage games not played D:

    Games owned: 204
    Games not played: 174 (86%)
    Hours spent: 1041.6 hours
    Account worth: $2949.30

    Top Games:
    Civilization 5 (409.2 hrs)
    Borderlands 2 (260 hrs)
    Endless Space (96.9 hrs)

    I'd like to point out I've only been using Steam for one year - so I've picked up a metric fuckton of indie games I didn't already have boxed.
  • Michael Knubben
    Hah, beginners, the lot of you.

    Games owned 533
    Games not played 313 (59%)

    I'm uh... a collector. Some might say 'compulsive hoarder', but they're just meanies.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    equil wrote: »
    Games owned: 188
    Games not played: 185 (98%)
    Hours spent: 6.1h
    Account worth: $2553.22

    This guy gets the not a fucking care in the world award ;') Wasted nearly $2400 there on games you haven't played ;')

    I also noticed my hours are off drastically. I think it's due to a bad startup and steam doesn't recognise the game/app has started at times. Crysis being my worst offender with less than a hour play. ( have completed it, 3-4hours at least)

    As for it being convenient, i have to agree. A full library of games to play & discover and you can never loose them in a traditional manner. (wear tear scratches etc)

    Still there's a limit ;')
  • Stinger88
    Offline / Send Message
    Stinger88 polycounter
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)
    • Worth: £2272.76
    • Games owned: 230
    • Games not played: 99
    • Percentage: 43%
    • Hours spent: 2,626.5h
  • SuperDuty455
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    SuperDuty455 polycounter lvl 6
    My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

    • Worth: 589,06€
    • Games owned: 51
    • Games not played: 17
    • Percentage: 33%
    • Hours spent: 805.8h

    Profile creation : 9 years ago (December 27, 2004 – 21:50:18 UTC)

    Most played games :
    Counter-Strike: Source : 312.1h (though I've only played GunGame for a few years now)
    Source SDK : 207.6h (main reason I bought HL² back in the days)
    Left 4 Dead 2 : 89.9h (I haven't played much since 2012)
    Red Faction: Guerrilla : 42.7h
    Fallout 3 : 39.4h (I'm just out of the Enclave HQ)

    There are games that I've played but that are not into the played games list for some reason : HL² Lost Coast, HL² Deathmatch, Killing Floor, and some others that I've played back in the pre-Steam, Sierra WON era and too lazy to reinstall them on Steam :P (Ricochet, TFC, Deathmatch Classic,...).
    I've got so many other games that are not counted here as well since I haven't got them on Steam.

    I can't remember, has Steam always counted the time spent on games ?
  • GodJammit
    Quite a few PC games are off Steam for me. I've probably played.

    Worth: $2116.69
    Games owned: 151
    Games not played: 48 (32%) (thanks humblebundle)
    Hours spent: 1,332.0h

    Top 4 games:
    Dark Souls 433hrs
    Dota 2 292hrs
    Torchlight II 57.6 hrs
    Fallout: New Vegas 48hrs
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Finally activated and added my Indie Royale games from the past couple of years.

    Now up to 264 games with 233 not played (88%) with a value of $3258.
  • LordSebbington
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    LordSebbington polycounter lvl 6
    This is pretty neat, even it is completely guilt inducing.
    Nice to see how much I've saved through bundles though, I certainly haven't spent anywhere near that.

    If anybody's interested, this is now the theme for the new Art Jam.

    My Steam Profile

    Worth: £1557.21
    Games owned: 161
    Games not played: 105 (65%)
    Hours spent: 587.9h

    Top 4 games:
    FTL: Faster Than Light 70 hrs
    Huntsman - The Orphanage Halloween Edition 58.2 hrs
    Substance Designer 4 38.6 hrs
    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 38hrs
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I used to be sub-50%, I believe 48%, about a year ago, because I bought some insane bundles (like the 2K-bundle for €60) and never even played any of the sid meier games and such.

    Games owned 335
    Games not played 195 (58%)
    Hours spent 1,710.4h
    Account worth $3384.64

    In reality, I've spent about €500, maybe €600 on games (including GOG, Origin, Retail, and well over 100 gifts in my steam inventory, and a dozen or so ungifted Humble Bundles) on 'this generation' which comes down to about two bucks a game, or about 8 or something for AAA titles. Not skimping out on things like the bundles, always paying well over average, and just waiting with most purchases until steam sales. Though I have noticed a significant drop in how good the sales are. They're still good, mind you, but not as insane as in 2010.

    My aim yesteryear was to get to 55% played and possibly 60%. Despite buying a bunch of new games like Wolf Among us, re-released Stanley Parable, I managed to reduce my backlog a fair bit. Going for 75% played this year. And yes that means actually playing and not just booting the game once to have it counted =P.
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