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Samurai_Viking_Roman Soldier_Character

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manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
I want to fuse a samurai viking and roman soldier together. Here is my quick concept and a rough idea of what I want. Let me know if it's working or not or needs more or whatever you feel you need to say.



  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Starting with the helmet, I would push the "samurai" component, the "neck guard" I guess, farther back, let the roman and viking influences contribute more to the face covering. Taking the place of what would be the oni-mask of the samurai helmet. Consider trying to tie the samurai horns into the roman plumage so their, more of a unified element.

    It's a cool idea. But, it's important to make sure that in the end, the final result is has unified feel, and not a hobbled together random mix kind of feel.

    The grey in your concept, on the "skirt" and the sleeves, I don't know what your plans are, but I feel like you should consider making this a chain mail tunic or at the least a singular tunic.
  • ElliotB
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    ElliotB polycounter lvl 6
    Hey manilamerc, this is an interesting concept. My suggestion would be to think about what kind of fighter is this guy, meaning is he up close and personal as a melee fighter or is he a bit more ranged with throwing weapons and or bows. The reason I say that is because you need to know what armor to put on this guy. In the concept he has plate armor which is heavy and protective and then there are parts that are bare and wrapped in leather offering no protection. So he is kinda a blend of protected but not really. So you might wanna unify him better by giving him a role, is he a warrior, general, assassin etc to determine what kinda of armor he needs.

    Lastly I would suggest maybe sticking to a blend of 2 armor types and then throwing in the third with the weapons, so maybe he has samurai and roman plate armor and a samurai sword with viking detail work along the blade along with a traditional viking throwing axe. I think thats a more subtle way of blending all three without having to mix and match all 3 era's armor types into your character which may make him look too messy.

    Hope that helps and good luck, look forward to the end result.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    LMP wrote: »
    Starting with the helmet, I would push the "samurai" component, the "neck guard" I guess, farther back, let the roman and viking influences contribute more to the face covering. Taking the place of what would be the oni-mask of the samurai helmet. Consider trying to tie the samurai horns into the roman plumage so their, more of a unified element.

    It's a cool idea. But, it's important to make sure that in the end, the final result is has unified feel, and not a hobbled together random mix kind of feel.

    The grey in your concept, on the "skirt" and the sleeves, I don't know what your plans are, but I feel like you should consider making this a chain mail tunic or at the least a singular tunic.

    Yes the grey skirt I was planning to do chain mail from the viking appearance.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    @Eliot I was thinking about having only 2 different armors together as 3 may get carried away. But I really wanted all 3. I'll think about that.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    So I dropped the Viking as 2 warriors fused is more clean. So I am now using the Samurai and I replaced the generic Roman Soldier with a Centurion ( professional Roman Officer)
    Tell me what you think.


  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    What I got so far

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This is egging me, but I am personally not satisfied with the concept.

    We need to do more thumbnails before we commit to 3D!
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    This is egging me, but I am personally not satisfied with the concept.

    We need to do more thumbnails before we commit to 3D!

    What do you not like about it? The design? or the drawing? Because I'm no concept artist that's for sure. I was just showing a quick sketch of an idea that I want. Here's my updated version that I had but never posted. Only torso and skirt armor straps has changed.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The silhouette doesn't seem strong. Is this meant for a first person game, or a third-person perspective game, or something else altogether?
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    I was planning Third Person
  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    If this is for Third person...why is your concept sketch front facing..you'll be seeing his back the majority of the time no?

    I do agree with JadeEyePanda though..the silhouette isn't strong at all. And I feel some concept elements may benefit this design more if you spend some more time concepting/thumbnailing before going into 3d.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Well I'm not too sure what I want. I just want to make a character where you can see the whole body. Maybe a fighter like soul caliber ?

    As for the concept what is not working? Does it not feel unified? Too mixed? (meaning parts of samurai and parts of roman soldier jumbled) No one was replying so I went into 3D.
  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    manilamerc wrote: »
    Well I'm not too sure what I want. I just want to make a character where you can see the whole body. Maybe a fighter like soul caliber ?

    That right there, (I would say) is exactly why you should spend more time concepting/thumbnailing. Why go into a 3D project just wishing that something sticks? At least from my experience..that's the best way to end up wasting time with an unfinished project.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Ok back to the drawing board. This guy will be a fighter like in Soul Caliber. BRB
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    But I would still like someone to tell me what specifically is wrong with the concept I had
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    The overall design isn't great. The silhouette, the detail, colors. Mostly silhouette. I would recommend taking a look at this tutorial for a good guide to starting a character design. You need a solid design before making a character, especially at beginner levels. It's just way too hard to learn how to sculpt and model while creating a design or fighting bad design.

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    HI there, what stevston89 said is spot on.

    I made a quick paint over describing some things thats bad about the design. it was a smart choice to only go with two cultures btw, bashing 3 different warriors into one design is very hard to pull of.

    In green I have pointed out the things I like, the helm, cape, and skirt is really good, its a good mix between the 2 different cultures.

    the parts in blue are probably your biggest problem, its just random stuff you put there to fill out the empty space, it doesn't make sense and doesn't mean anything.

    the black parts are either empty space or bad silhouette, you could really think these parts through and come up with something cool.

  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you guys very much, this character stuff is tougher than I thought, I want to be a character modeler Or a 3d modeler before I'm 25. I will try my best to get there.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Here is an update to my design. I just have the line so far color coming soon

  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    it may look a bit messy but you can see the changes
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Silhouette thumbnails, not line drawings. Silhouettes speak louder and stronger than internal elements on the first read. This is looking a lot better, but this is restricting the idea of the character to this T pose.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    These aren't the most crisp thumbnails but how does this look as a character's silhouette?



    this design is without the cape but with an assassins creed like skirt

  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Here I have 3 different concepts for the back. Not sure which one looks best

  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    stevston89 linked to.

    You even said in your prior post, "These aren't the most crisp thumbnails but how does this look as a character's silhouette?"

    Honestly, as it's already been suggesting - this stage is absolutely crucial to pulling off a successful piece. Take the time to fully plan and flesh out your designs in 2D well before you get into 3D. Try 20 silhouette thumbnails of drastic varieties before even thinking about fleshing your linework.

    Just my $0.02
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    I was actually happy with the design I have now. I just wasn't sure if it should have a cape or back skirt. But I guess I should try more variety with the character I want. Thanks
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    would this also be a good example of what I should be doing before getting into 3D?

  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    Nope. Unless you want to have the same silhouette drawn over and over with slightly different details in it. You want different silhouettes and ideas being generated. That is the general idea of the process though. Try to make your silhouette as different as possible.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Ok well I'll show you what I have so far. I was following the tutorial you sent me and the one I was looking at. The tutorial you sent me was a guy doing monster thumbnails. I see how he can easily change the silhouette as monsters come in all different sizes. When doing a samurai/roman soldier I find a bit more difficult as a human will always be behind the armor and not some monster where I can manipulate more easily. So I came up with 4 different thumbnails and did 4 different versions of them. I still plan on working on this silhouette stage more and probably for a while.

  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    These are better, but there is still to much work being done on the details inside instead of the silhouette as a whole. Here is a comparison I put together of some samurai concepts vs their silhouettes. The one on the left has a more realistic look and the other 2 have more of a stylized feel. The important thing is that you can tell what they are from the silhouette alone and they are all vastly different. You need to focus on getting a bunch of strong silhouettes first and then flesh out the details. I think that your silhouettes right now are way too similar across the board and have too much emphasis on the details inside.

  • silkroadgame
    I really agree with most of them,that the concepts are looking quite poor so far,maybe you need to do more work on their edges.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    @silkroadgame yeah I was not taking my time as much as I should of. The edges aren't so great. I want to make a great character asap but I need to take it slowly for real... Thanks for the advice.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Here are some quick sketches I've been doing. I've been brainstorming all week about a part samurai part roman soldier warrior.





  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    It's been a while since I posted some concepts. I've been busy with work and too many occasions to go to. These are 4 types of silhouettes that I have been most interested in during my sketch and studies. I favor the third one the most. I know I said I was going to do a Soul Calibur character but I think this character is best suited in a game like Assassins Creed or RYSE as an enemy troop or the main character (mainly RYSE as main). So a third person game is what I'm going for. Tell me what you think of these

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    you said you weren't a concept artist yourself. So use someone else's concept? If you want to be a character artist you are going to have to put the mileage in making other peoples ideas come to life. If you really want to be concept artist, then you need to devote 100 percent to learning that side.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Dimfist wrote: »
    you said you weren't a concept artist yourself. So use someone else's concept? If you want to be a character artist you are going to have to put the mileage in making other peoples ideas come to life. If you really want to be concept artist, then you need to devote 100 percent to learning that side.

    I understand what you are saying. I just to make my own creation and be as creative as possible for my portfolio. I want to make something no one has thought of. When I do concepts for a character I don't plan to make them professional. I just want to get the main idea across and get some references and then start sculpting. I don't know though maybe I'm being ineffective. But from earlier posts they said that the 2D stage is crucial before jumping into 3D. I really want to make my own personal creation for my portfolio though.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    This is what I'm going for for the most part. Tell me what you think. Is it working?

  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    My biggest problem is that your design really hasn't changed at all. On top of that your silhouette has gotten worse. You are going to be fighting your concept the whole time you build this. It is really not wise to try to learn character modeling with a bad concept. I think it would be far more beneficial to focus solely on either the design aspect or the character modeling aspect. Just my opinion any ways here is a comparison of one of your earlier sketches vs this one.

  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    @stevenson89 So you're saying it would be better to get a professional concept artists' concept and model that than design my own? Ok maybe the silhouette got worse but what could I do? Is it the pose that's hurting the silhouette? The choice of armour? It doesn't look like it changed from before because I was happy with the main centurion helmet and samurai skirt and I couldn't stop using that. Are there any professional character modellers who can design and model? Or do they just follow the other peoples concept?
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    If you want to be a character artist and not a concept artist yes. When you are learning you want to have a good concept to work from. If you don't you are going to be fighting your lack of knowledge of modeling and a bad concept at the same time. It is a lot easier and faster to learn modeling from good design. A lot of great character artists concept in 3d, but I wouldn't recommend doing that until you are really good. You can keep at the concept if you want, but I think it will only slow down your learning as a character artist.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    In terms of silhouette your problem is that outside of the plumage on the helmet there are no big interesting shapes that stand out. Some things that contribute to a strong silhouette is rhythm and negative space. Both principles are a bit too involved for me to give a full discourse on in just a forum post but i'll give a few pointers.
    Regarding negative space the trick is to consider not just the shape of the subject, but also the empty space that surrounds and nestles within the figure. a good example is the plumage on the helmet in the two silhouettes in the post above. The one on the left sorta just fuses with the rest of the shape, but the one on the right has that nice crescent empty space between the plumage and helmet that makes it stand out and gives your eyes a break from the monotony.
    Rhythm is a bit harder to explain. There are no hard and fast rules of it, a lot of it comes down to intuition and aesthetics. But a good thing to keep in mind is to avoid straight clean lines with no breaks or variation. Try to add visual interest by breaking the shape with other shapes, in your case the arms could need more elements added to it as they are fairly plain. Now the trick is to do this without just piling a bunch of random crap like spikes and rings to it, you need to have a pattern to it. In the case of the arms I would recommend a shoulderpad and a bracer, two large square shapes to break up the overall round soft gesture you got going now. But make sure to leave some breathing room between them. What you want is this:

    Not this:

    Asymmetry is also a good way to build an interesting silhouette. Just make sure it's balanced.

    Overall I feel your concepting is a bit too cautious and conservative. It's just sketching and exploration. Go nuts! Really exaggerate your shapes and don't get too attached. Spend like 5 minutes on each thumbnail and move on. Most of them are gonna be crap, but a lot of them will have something to them. Grab what you like and incorporate that into your next set of thumbnails. This whole process is supposed to be fast and loose.
    Keep this in mind: It's easier to pull back than it is to push forward.
    So even if you want to make a more realistic character it's a good idea to go really exaggerated and crazy, and once you figure out which elements work start dialing it back for your final design.
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Whoa thank you guys to:


    I'm not going to give up on this concept but I will take a break from it and start modeling other concepts to better myself as a character artist.

    Oh and a quick question. Would I be able to put a model that I finished from someone else's concept and showcase it on my portfolio? I will reference the artist of course
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah that would be perfectly fine. As long as you are not making money for it. You might even want to send the artist a little message saying how cool you think his concept is and that it inspired you!
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