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Math is needed!

polycounter lvl 17
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bugo polycounter lvl 17
Saw this gif, and it is so true! Even tho I studied a lot of math when i was growing I don't think I've studied enough as I should. Now i suffer.


I actually think that companies are doing a good job putting their efforts to teach kids and people how to code and simply show how important it is to do so...



  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    while i do agree that you need a basic understanding of math to code or basically do any technical art related thing i don`t think you need a deep theoretical understanding of math to start using it while coding.

    Personally i don`t have a very deep understanding of math but i can use vectors, matrices and their operations etc just fine when theres a visual result tied to what i`m doing with them (nodebased shaders are a good example of this).

    Also for a lot of coding you won`t really be using advanced math so i wouldn`t just tie the two of them together as if they`re one and the same.
    People sometimes feel as if they couldn`t start learning to code because they didn`t learn any math so i `m just saying that they shouldn`t feel crippled by this.

    that being said , math is very important and i also regret being lazy during my teen years but nothing is stopping me from learning it now :)

    also khan academy is a great resource for those who are interested in learning more
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Maths is the tool of the devil and the enemy of all things good and wholesome.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Math is a good tool for not only discovering/altering reality, but mental growth. However, only certain levels are needed for certain jobs in the games industry and there's not a blanket "need for math" as that's very loosely defined.

    An artist using Maya needs to just know simple arithmetic, whereas a low-level graphics/rendering programmer needs to know a shitload more.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Everyone should know at least basics of math and coding. It's not true that you need to know all advanced math concepts, for every technical job possible.
    What is true on other hand, you should be able to learn and understand new things as you go, because you will never know what you will need in future. That is why you need basics and some math-logical-order mind set.
    I really believe that most school do not teach math in proper way. They learn how to solve equations (which at some point is mindless process, where you just put numbers in right places), but they do not teach real applications of math, or it used to solve various problems. In other words they do no teach kids how to think.

    I personally recommend Khan Academy. It's good for learning new things, or to check on old ones. I never never really completely understood concept of matrices, until I watched Khan videos. (that said I again forgotten some things, because I rarely used them, but I'm confident that after quick check on things I could make some matrix math again).
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    As a front-end developer I use basic algebra more than anything, followed by fraction conversions and on rare occasions trig and geometry. I agree that schools should at least give students a foundation for coding if for no other reason than to demystify the computers they use every day. Many schools offer basic web design courses, albeit as electives. I'd like to see them get into some basic Javascript since it's a great beginner language. Python would be good too but assigning homework could be difficult since many machines don't have it pre-installed.

    In the U.S., the biggest issue with Math education, imo, is that too many teachers rely on straight memorization to get their students through the material. "Times Tables" are a perfect example: they teach you to refer to a chart rather than perform the operation. In high school we were flooded with anecdotes about how an equation worked rather than why. The result was great test scores without the students actually comprehending the material.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    I saw that a couple of days ago and couldn't disagree any more with it. You don't need math to develop games, not even "advanced" games. Sure, if you're coding a game engine or doing any other type of low level graphics programming, then yeah math knowledge will help. Those positions do not make up the majority of game dev positions though.

    I've been modeling and coding for years now and I have yet to use anything more complicated than the most basic concepts of trigonometry yet I just bombed a math final in my university.

    Schools (at least in the U.S.) do nothing but teach theoretical knowledge and this is almost always useless in the real world. If schools wanted to actually increase interest in mathematics, they'd make everything more hands on and try to give an actual example of how the concept could be used outside of class. Most students think "Why the fuck should I care about math when it is completely useless?"

    That being said, I think learning calculus is a good way to expand one's brain, but you still have to remember that it's no different from learning a new programming language, if you don't use it you lose it.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Knowing basic equations helps a lot. Knowing how to READ equations helps a lot and then you can "roll your own" if you need to.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    while i do agree that you need a basic understanding of math to code or basically do any technical art related thing i don`t think you need a deep theoretical understanding of math to start using it while coding.

    Personally i don`t have a very deep understanding of math but i can use vectors, matrices and their operations etc just fine when theres a visual result tied to what i`m doing with them (nodebased shaders are a good example of this).

    These two statements are conflicting. Your average person's grasp of mathematics usually doesn't extend much farther than rudimentary algebra; addition, multiplication etc - and even then it gets hairy when order of operation comes into account. If you're working with vectors and matrices, you already have that 'deeper understanding of math' that the majority of people do not have and forget a soon as they leave high school (if they progressed that far to start with).
  • Thaiauxn
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    Thaiauxn polycounter lvl 7
    If you're doing a lot of volumetric lighting for shaders, or you're messing with the application's use of tangent space, then yes, you'll need Math as all hell. 90% of what makes a game "next gen" is the stuff no one thinks about; the shaders, volumetric lights, occlusion, physics particles, and similar math based processes. Even 4098 textures look like 1993 without adequate shader nodes set up, and those are based on math to model the behaviour of light. Those guys on staff are invaluable. That's job security.

    If you're messing with Physics for just ragdolls and falling characters, which largely has been conquered by engine developers, you'll STILL need maths. You'll need to set up actor hit reactions based on projectile speed and force. Otherwise, you get Skyrim RC1.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-hKxOhOQ3U SPAAAAAACE!

    Overgrowth's new animation system uses physics calculations not just for Havok ragdolls, but in the actual lifting of limbs transferring force into their soft body targets. That's a huge nerd boner for me, something I've always wanted to play with, especially since making mods for Oni back in the early 2000s: http://www.wolfire.com/overgrowth

    TLDR - Learn Calculus, pay attention in Physics class!

    Now a better thread: What role does SCIENCE play in games? Geology class for Environment Artists in Desert Biomes with Dr.Thaiauxn anyone? Ah, no, okay. :p
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    in school how it was taught was too far apart from its possible usages. Yes I learnd a lot of algebra and trig back in high school math, but I had no use for it than so forgot it all. Now most math I do is vector and matrcie math, and I was able to learn it fast since I have a real world use for it, and remember it since everyday I'm messing about with shaders or with Maya api stuff that requires it.

    I think teaching people the theory is much better than how to so something, and schools could do well teaching some Java or python or something even in high school.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    These two statements are conflicting. Your average person's grasp of mathematics usually doesn't extend much farther than rudimentary algebra; addition, multiplication etc - and even then it gets hairy when order of operation comes into account. If you're working with vectors and matrices, you already have that 'deeper understanding of math' that the majority of people do not have and forget a soon as they leave high school (if they progressed that far to start with).

    I never learned about vectors or matrices in highschool, i only got the theory in university and i was really lost since they assumed i did learn it before.
    I had real problems trying to learn the theoretical parts, but once i started using them in scripting it wasn`t a problem since you don`t need to really know how to multiply matrices or vectors for example, you just do it without knowing whats going on in the background.

    for example rotation controllers in 3d packages. you might be using those rotational values in scripting without even realizing if its euler or quaternions values you`re working with. All you`re doing is multiplying them while the conversions and operations often are all done in the background.

    I`m not saying not knowing whats going on in the background is a good thing but it shouldn`t keep you from coding and using mathematical operations if that makes any sense at all :P
  • WarrenM
    One of my largest regrets from my school years is not paying attention in math class. It would have made a lot of things in my game dev career a LOT easier.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I had to go back to Khan Academy to teach myself mathematics on at least 2 occasions as a rigger and and as a technical artist.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    I don't think you need an extreme level of mathematics for a lot of things but its a good skill to pick up in school one of those skills that you can really utilize through your whole life, I believe it is far more important than handwriting and other things as an adult the most times I get to write anything is when I am signing for a parcel, which I could technically do with a X lol.

    and if you don't apply it in your art (which is possible I guess) you can at least apply it in your budgeting, if you can budget and plan your money goes much much further.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Can definitely say I've had to re-learn more than a few math principles (fuck quaternions). Definitely wish I'd paid more attention in school ... /agree
  • Barbarian
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    Barbarian polycounter lvl 13
    If you want to be a programmer, get into visual effects/dynamics, game physics, AI, or similar areas then you will need a good understanding of practical mathematics and physics.

    There is an additional benefit for studying math, physics, and programming. When I was in college the vast majority of students majoring in sociology, education, etc. did not have to spend nearly as much time doing homework as those few of us majoring in mathematics, physics, and programming did. You learn how to organize, focus, problem-solve, and persevere. You also must produce results. Those skills and habits benefit any future endeavors.

    The best game artists may not need to know much practical mathematics, but they got good by paying their dues in a similar fashion. The same goes for good riggers and technical artists.

    Too many students cannot master the necessary discipline to see a task through to the end. They seek the path of least resistance or give up in frustration. There is a reason that good programmers, technical artists, and artists get paid as much as they do. Good programmers and artists wear their skill on their sleeves and finish what they start.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    maths is deffo handy - I'm not down with the pure maths stuff though, more interested in mechanics and geometry/trig etc. as it is ususally more relevant.

    Pure maths gets a bit weird IMO.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • weee
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    weee polycounter lvl 3
    Math is such a devil you only realize how important it is when the moment you need it, and it's often too late, also, a good math guy gets into coding ZERO problem and can easily hit the top, it doesn't always work the other way though, so enjoy learning math while you can.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Math is pretty amazing, schools tend to focus on the boring stuff. I've got big gaps I'm trying to fill with khanacademy, I'm hoping to eventually work my way up to generating the Mandelbrot set, I'm starting out simple with cantor cheese and butterfly curves. I'm really into procedural generated art despite not really understanding most of the math behind it.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    weee wrote: »
    Math is such a devil you only realize how important it is when the moment you need it, and it's often too late, also, a good math guy gets into coding ZERO problem and can easily hit the top, it doesn't always work the other way though, so enjoy learning math while you can.

    It is not that much about math, and more about right mind set.
    Math is just one of the ways of attaining it.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Am I allowed to gloat a little?
  • WarrenM
    I'm unclear what the gloat is ... Was anyone arguing that you need math to draw pictures?
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Funny thing is that when you grow up with math (I was always in math class and now I'm studying automatics and robotics) you see how simple math is needed in games. I'm not saying everyone should know it all because it's basic knowledge. It's just easy to learn if you really want to.

    Also when you learned a lot of math you change the way you think about stuff. Simple equations become something more than just number or letters. You start to see sense in it and attach a 'story' to those numbers and letters... I grew up with math though. I imagine that when you are 20 something and you lack proper math background it may seem hard. Math requires imagination. Polycount seems to be a full of imaginative people :P
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    WarrenM wrote: »
    I'm unclear what the gloat is ... Was anyone arguing that you need math to draw pictures?
    He... Perspective ?
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    dfacto is not wrong, but your side of things dfacto is that ur a specialist, ur not creating a game there, ur just concepting something, am I not right?

    If you want to create a model, a shader, animate and code their animation and create movement on that character, you already need math... What if you want to understand what Euler and Quaternion means, what if you want to create a rim light shader with world direction fog on that character, what if you want to create an IK/FK rig for it.

    All I'm trying to say is if developers that are willing to go ahead of their selves instead of ONLY doing art or coding, what if they want to script their own melscripts, what if they want to create their own shaders.

    For begginners it's really hard to achieve that by asking someone else. Usually because they can't explain a programmer what they want on their shader to achieve. Or because the programmer doesn't understand what kind of tool you need. And believe me, most of artists/programmers are not willing to listen to what you need unless you are clear.

    I don't in the near future want to depend on someone else to do what I need at the moment I need. It's a choice I guess...

    This thread is for the ones that want to go further. And that's why I think for ME math is needed.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    bugo wrote: »
    Saw this gif, and it is so true! Even tho I studied a lot of math when i was growing I don't think I've studied enough as I should. Now i suffer.


    I actually think that companies are doing a good job putting their efforts to teach kids and people how to code and simply show how important it is to do so...


    I've been meaning to give my 2 cents here. This gif is kind of wrong because for one; Many Autodesk products require a fair amount of maths, and second "make video games," unless you specify, this conveys an understanding of you doing everything on your own to make a video game, which requires you to have an extensive amount of knowledge in maths, even when using Unity and Autodesk Maya.

    Every part of art is based on maths; For example: Remember the lines you draw or block out a character using cubes and circles or square, that is an untold math.

    You play with numbers while using the Node editors and move an object in a space of maya on XYZ location thats math as well.

    you code and use a float for the bullets of the gun you are holding.

    Populating AI using conditions and maths.

    Hell even a dumbest guessing game you code requires maths.

    EDIT: What you should worry about is AFTER MATH..

    now you have my 2 cents. Enjoy
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    lol, i dont think you got the gif Nitewalkr, that's exactly what the gif IS saying. They are being ironic about a kid who doesnt want to know math, but wants to do videogames. And all the companies below are laughing at him because of that.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    I think once you get your feet wet in the game-dev world you start to remember your power-of-two numbers by heart.
  • Jncocontrol
    I kinda thought that math wasn't needed in 3D either at one point as well. But, one day I asked a person who works for Valve (Yes I've actually talk to someone at Valve) about how to be a good animator, he insisted that i invest time into learning Algebra
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    It's maths. not math anyway :)
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    If we're talking about coding and scripting then sure, a lot of math is involved but dfacto is pretty right on the money. Artists don't use a lot of math, concept artists, character and environment artists and animators use very little 'technical math' We use arithmetic and some geometry but thats about it. If you didn't like math in school and didn't understand it too much I don't think it will hinder you as an artist. Once you get into more technical fields like TAs, riggers and such then math pops up.

    And Target_Renegade, we use math not maths in the US :D
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    The greatest of ironies here is that the 9gag reference stems back to the misconception that games are programmed in their entirety, and that all other work is unheard of, thus the inclusion of autodesk as the "programming of graphics".

    Math is needed, but learning it is as soon as possible is not as important as learning to be self-driven and the _logics_ of programming games.

    And not to forget, there's a bunch of non-complex games that has even been released on steam such as dear esther or to the moon.
  • Ben Apuna
    Yeah I've struggled with math all my life... more so once I decided to take up game programming.

    As an artist I think linear algebra comes in handy when creating shaders, but with node based editors it's easy enough to just fiddle around until things look right.

    Stanford's Machine Learning and AI courses really opened my eyes to the real magic, power, and possibility of advanced math. I wish I had been exposed to those ideas and concepts or even just the existence of such things when I was a kid. It probably would've altered the path I chose to take in life.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBTch4JEQbg"]8.2 Machine Learning Neurons and the Brain - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QMZQkKuYjo"]Unit 9 03 Robot Tour Guide Examples - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_BJUBpuvFE"]Unit 19 01 Autonomous Vehicle Intro 1.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

    This course seems somewhat relevant to the discussion:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kktxd5ECQu0"]UTAustinX: Effective Mathematical Thinking Through Mathematics: UT.9.01x About Video - YouTube[/ame]
  • adocala55
    Hi guys,
    I absolutly agree!
    Codin some math stuff is in my opinion a good way to train coding and math skills because it goes hand in hand.
  • Belias
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    Belias polycounter lvl 14
    i don't like math, but i like to use it.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Slight bump of this topic, as I was thinking about it after certain events from today at work.

    I work as a tech artist in the military simulation field, so when I'm not making tanks and such my job often involves scripting tools. Today I needed to write a script which required a certain amount of knowledge in trigonometry to complete. It took me, an engineer, and another programmer about 3 hours to completely solve. I consider it a very good day because problems like it are not only useful for single purpose applications, but can often be re-applied to other tools in the future (and I've already got another use for this specific formula in mind).

    Anyone who wants to be a tech artist or programmer should learn as much as they can about math. Learning to code isn't hard, anyone can do it, but without math some things just wont be possible.
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