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Dynameshing toes and sculpting a face

Hello everyone,

I'm quite new to these forums and would just like to introduce myself once again with some current work I'm doing.

I just did work on base mesh using a combination of maya and zbrush and I'm currently working on street fighter character. However, in hindsight, I realized that I didn't work on feet.

A friend suggested that I can easily add toes via dynameshing.

Do you guys think I should go about this method or would you suggest something else?

How would you go about this?


The same character that I'm working on, has no clear frontal and side face views for me to be able to model from. I'm not sure how to tackle this as I'm not great sculpting.

Should I attempting modeling it from a zsphere?

Thank you guys for the input and have a wonderful holiday!



  • Dimfist
    Offline / Send Message
    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Welcome to the forums! Take everything with a grain of salt, and you will learn a lot :D There are tons of very helpful people on here.
    That being said, you should be able to use some other reference to mish mash into that character, but I highly doubt that there are only those two pics.
    First thing I notices is that you are working at a pretty high sub D for a block in state. You might find it easier to get all the masses correct working with a more primitive mesh if you will.
    Also, things like toes can be bothersome at first but there are a few easy ways to extrude those shapes if you need to. You can mask off each toe, then invert the mask, then use the move tool to pull them out. You can also use the snakehook if you fool around with it a bit.
    I'd definitely take advantage of dynamesh, but here's one issue you will run into when first using it. Once you have those toes pulled out and you remesh, if it is at a too low of a resolution, it will merge those toes together, so you will have to control z and fitz around with it.
    Hope that helps a little.
  • ShockInfinite
    Offline / Send Message
    Gotcha Dimfist!

    I appreciate it. Well, most of all of the anatomy sculpt was done and that is just a screen shot at the fifth sub d level.

    Also, I'm trying to do his belt for his karate pants but I'm not sure where to start. The issue would be getting it to twist.

    This helps a tons!
  • Dimfist
    Offline / Send Message
    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Easiest way is to make a 'knot' and place it so that it fakes that actually tying.
  • ShockInfinite
    Offline / Send Message
    So I could use the tranpose brush and move it so it appears to knot, possibly?
  • ShockInfinite
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks again Dimfist!

    I'm trying to dynamesh the toes and it's not working too well
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