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polycounter lvl 6
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Reowwww polycounter lvl 6
Work in progress, Practicing the female form, crits much appreciated!



  • -White-
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    -White- polycounter lvl 4
    Amazing work, you did absolutely excellent in the waist region.
  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    is that just some weird lighting on the right toes? Overall this is some very masterful work. :)
  • RobSamuel
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    Looking really nice. The upper back looks wrong though, could you show a closer shot?
  • Rafferty_Eggleston
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    Rafferty_Eggleston polycounter lvl 9
    I agree with RobSamuel. I think the collar bones also look a little off. The neck may be a taaad bit too long and the hands look really small. But well done! She looks awesome :D
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Also, there is almost no difference between the wrists and the palms, the ankles looks too large from the back view, and it's like you tried to do a slightly fat and old woman, but we can see the muscles really well ( I think you should choose between muscles and fat, because we rarely see both at the same time, because the fat covers the muscles and change the shape of the body. Fat reacts more to gravity too ), and the breasts looks young and too perfect.
  • Reowwww
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    Reowwww polycounter lvl 6
    Brilliant thankyou for the feedback guys :) Heres a couple more shots of the WIP for crit:
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    I think your main problem lies with inconsistency as Texelion said.
    Breasts still look young and various muscles read while on other areas you have a good amount of fat showing.
    Are you using multiple references that maybe show different weight women?

    From your last post the back is really muscularly defined, almost never this happens, even on a young woman, check these.

  • Reowwww
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    Reowwww polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Firith! I was going for a bit of muscle and a bit of fat on a youngish woman, something that looked realistic and not super skiny big boobs lol. Heres my ref :) a 3d scan of a woman: 1294426_240213192802975_2093586289_o.jpg
    In the ref the woman seems to be exerting her upper left back muscles which I think is where I may have got confused.
    Perhaps I need to smooth/lessen some of the forms around the back, legs, hips and bum?
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Cool ref :O
    Yeah I think you have all your landmarks in but some need lessening some accentuating.
    Keep at it, female form is tough. :)
  • RobSamuel
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    Not sure if you want to represent it in your sculpt, but because her arms are pulled back a little, the depth difference between her spine and the borders of the shoulder blades is accentuated (i.e they stick out more).

    This is pulling the lower part of the trapezius taut (and appears flat). Her shoulders are a little raised, so the upper part is tensed, which is makes that strange bulging form.


    The bulge you've sculpted between the scapula are the rhomboids, which are underneath another muscle, so even though you can see them, the form should be pretty subtle.

    Hope that helps?
  • Reowwww
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    Reowwww polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for that Rob useful stuff :) I'm familiar with rhomboids yes.

    Made a few changes to the face, mandible, abs, external obliques, pubic fat and inguinal ligament, costal cartalidge, scapula, rhomboids, trapezius, the sacrum triangle and spinal rectors also smoothed out some of the forms and tweaked the size of her ribcage. Still need to properly address the hands as they look awful. Also I was wondering does the head look weird? I always struggle with the impression of the skull under the skin :/ Please crit!

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