Been working on a troll for a friend. He wanted a short, fatty little man creature with a bulbous nose, headphones and a t-shirt on. So far I've been working on getting proportions and muscular anatomy down on it. Feel free to see more WIP at the image location (my blog). I'd love to get more feedback on it; right now I feel I'm having trouble with his squat, muscular legs. Let me know about any other critiques. Thanks






The crits about stepping down in sub-ds are spot on... but also you will need to play around with sculpting in general until you really can grasp things. Just keep noodling around with things get a bunch of reference. You will get there!
As for reconstructing the subdivision, I saw that Mudbox has a whole 'reduce mesh' function but it totally destroys the topology of the character and triangulates it. At this point, do I want to worry about retopology after I've begun sculpting it more and recreate UVW's later? Right now I have my original UVW's I've created for this mesh still intact.
You need to get to a more blocky version of this so you can concentrate on getting good proportions and anatomy before you commit to anything higher. Your digits are too thin and overall, your muscles, fat, and body surface is still feeling really lumpy.
When I say blocky, I mean as blocky as the model on the left in the image below:
If you're trying to get a head bang, do you see how that might not look good when there seems to be no neck from the profile view?
If you're trying to make a troll, use this guy for reference:
Second ref of JadeEvePandais really good.
Have you worked with other references until now?
I think your face is not defined enough. It's like he has no bones. Try to work on that and infuse some personality into it. I have the feel you want him to be a nice little man, pretty clever and fast. Looks more like a gnome to me but anyway, try to search for gnome references maybe. Or at least any ref that can help you to go in a precise direction.
Keep going
and some base sculpting (layer 1)
layer2-( liking the legs better but need to go back and fix the too heavily defined bicep, then detail/move the fingers/toes). Better/worse?
Keep it going bud!
I don't know if it's just me, but there's a bit of disservice done to 3D characters that lack solid concept thrust, especially if they are not made from a piece of concept art to reference.
What kind of troll is it? Is it a violent one? Does it have a job? What would it like people to know it as? Does it meet people at all? If you can answer questions like that confidently and have the art reflect those decisions you've made for the character, you can definitely propel this character past "troll #5."
This troll to me at this point was more of a stepping stone to take what I've learned thus far in modeling and make a clean bake and mess around with specular maps because I've yet to do that. I've only baked one item, so it's my personal goal to mess around more with that.
Seeing as it's the dawn of a new year, how about my next item I'll make a portfolio piece correctly from start to finish?
I'm also more of a pencil pusher artist at this point and 3d modeling was just something for me to mess with, but I'm enjoying it thus far. I really appreciate all the feedback on everything though (you have no idea!) and wish I had used Polycount sooner. 7: (I'll work on a scribble/paintover of the troll)
If I don't reply sooner, Happy New Years to everyone!