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Graphical errors when viewing textures in Max viewport

polycounter lvl 9
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Chase polycounter lvl 9
First these graphical errors started with just one model, but now have spread to every model no matter if I use 3point shader or Xoliul. The only blue in these images that should be there are the long thin line. the rest shouldn't be.

When I use a standard shader the resolution is completely down until I render, which then it's fine.

Something's gone completely wrong with my Max. I've tried everything and anything. Any ideas? In the game engine things look great, but not in the Max viewport.


  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Woops double post bump
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Check if Gamma correction is turned on. If it's off, then try resetting your Max settings by exiting Max and renaming this folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit

    If that doesn't work exit Max, and rename it back.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Got the chance to try your recommendation out and unfortunately it didn't work. Gamma is enabled with a 2.2 setting. I also updated my drives, but that also wasn't a a fix. Anything else I could try? This has gone beyond the frustration point :poly127:


    I had already tried disabling Gamma but tried again........AND IT WORKED! I also went from 3d to Nitrous and back to 3d again. Then also upped the bitmap size again cause it wasn't saving before. It must've been some combination of these cause now it works! I don't think match bitmap has anything to do with real time viewing so it was probably going from 3d to nitrous to 3d again. Somehow Max just got really kerfuffled, but with this tinkering everything's back to normal. I was in the middle of downloading Max 2014 just to see if there were any changes there. Guess I don't need to now :D
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