Hi everyone !
It's been a while since I post something new. My previous Diorama was done almost one year ago and you were very helpful and encouraging !
(The previous one:
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107729 and the Unity version:
http://www.ulrick.be/3d_diorama_heroquest.html )
So here's another one ! "A Christmas in Hobbiton"

(The 2 great themes of the moment...)
This time, we will not be able to turn around because I wanna work it in 2.5D (Diablo 3 Art FTW ♥), BUT, I want to make it "playable", so I will make a charachter (yeah, a halfling probably) to move in it in Unity, make some Color Correction with LUT between the levels, fade in/out of the levels, and so on

Feedbacks are very welcome as usual

I do hope you won't put real lights, Hobbits don't have electricity XD. Fireflies in colored bottles maybe ?
I don't even think Hobbit celebrate Christmas in fact, why would they do that ?
Go for it !
Colored lights and even street lights are probably anachronistic, and I'm not certain you really need them. The warm light from the windows should be enough to add visual interest. If you must have extra light outside, consider adding candles to the pines; these were common Christmas tree decorations as far back as the sixteenth century.
Thx for the reply, I realize I "touch" a universe with a huge fan base and carved-in-stone codes and rules, but "Hobbiton" is just an inspiration
Honestly, I don't care if Hobbits celebrate Christmas or not, I can rename it "A Halfling Christmas" if u want
This kind of "anachronism" / non-sense had always amused me, like in Warcraft for example,
since Warcraft 2 you have christmas trees on winter maps, or in WoW:
btw, I like the candles on the pine
New WIP, which match with the period: Merry Christmas !
Quick low poly modeling in Maya, UV and painting on 3D Coat, with some back and forth in Photoshop
There will be Lights in scene, but something very soft, probably hand painted in UV2
I'll try to add dynamic light into the scene to see how it blend and if it does the trick