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Real Time Diorama - A Christmas In Hobbiton

Hi everyone !

It's been a while since I post something new. My previous Diorama was done almost one year ago and you were very helpful and encouraging !

(The previous one: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=107729 and the Unity version: http://www.ulrick.be/3d_diorama_heroquest.html )

So here's another one ! "A Christmas in Hobbiton" :)
(The 2 great themes of the moment...)

This time, we will not be able to turn around because I wanna work it in 2.5D (Diablo 3 Art FTW ♥), BUT, I want to make it "playable", so I will make a charachter (yeah, a halfling probably) to move in it in Unity, make some Color Correction with LUT between the levels, fade in/out of the levels, and so on :)

Feedbacks are very welcome as usual :)




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