Work in Progress:

Entire scene is on a single 2048 texture sheet with 1 diffuse, spec, normal, and extra texture for different masks and stuff that I will be adding later.
Things to do still:
-Make a few more props to flesh out scene.
-Create ground plane for better and more dynamic layout of scene. I want the street on the left to be going down, and the one on the right raising up.
-Setup material instances for color variation.
-Setup decals for dirt and grunge.
-Texturing pass on everything to sharpen some details and pop some details.
All critiques welcome.
I have to ask though; why did you decide to put them on a single texture sheet?
The light from the lanterns shouldn't be omnidirectional; the cover will block any light from projecting up, while the base will block the light from projecting directly down.
The windows should be emissive, illuminating the sills and the surrounding walls. Given the quality of the doors at the time, some light should also leak under the doors.
Overall, I think darkening the image overall, and increasing the contrast between the light & darkness, would improve the look.
Anyway have u tought of adding some vertex paint on the models? And somemmore detailing of the small parts like the roof edges that so far seem to be using the same tile textures on sides as well...
Also the position of the windows look like is kind of random , a coplanar wall has a window up and the next down , wich looks kind of unrealistic, but if is a cartoonish feel the objective then ignore that comment , the same could be said for the details on door entrances , the oversized lamps etc...
If possible, can you take another screen from a lower height ? Maybe everything is looking small because your camera seems to be very high. Try to make it like a "first person"
@Megacorpse Thanks!
@robin_64_bit I will post it when I am done, but its basically just a texture atlas.
@silkroadgame Thank you!
@KristaW Thanks!
@DWalker Yea I have to work on the moonlighting a lot, and that light under the door is a good idea.
@McGreed Hmm I will look into it, but I do not think blue is a requirement for moonlight. It is more about the deep dark shadows with no bounce lighting, which is what I need to figure out how to do in UDK properly. Check out these paintings.
@noscope Thats a good idea, will look into it.
@NAIMA Yea I am trying to do a stylized look to it. The roof needs some more work, but not sure what I want to do yet. I will be vertex painting the ground plane, and using decals on the buildings. The way my texture sheets are set up and how lowpoly things are vertex painting on the building is pretty much impossible.
@Pedro Jatob