I just finished my website and sent it off. One potential employer said its blocked! If you can be bothered, can you check to see if it works for you and let me know your browser type?
If they're getting a "blocked" message, that's more than likely on their end. They could have some kind of IP level blocking policy. There are hundreds of sites that share the same host IP as yours and I imagine at least one of them is spam.
The site works but pictures are loading slowly, some not at all. I noticed they are .png files, I recommend using .jpgs - the quality will be the same but filesizes will be dramatically reduced.
I guess it depends on what isp you got and where in the world you'r at. I think it's fine, I loaded everything in like 3 seconds and I live in Sweden. And yes, that's from my work computer..
I guess it depends on what isp you got and where in the world you'r at. I think it's fine, I loaded everything in like 3 seconds and I live in Sweden. And yes, that's from my work computer..
Haha this is the first thing that popped into my head also as soon as I seen Melbourne!
@Garth3d site works fine for me both at work and home, and loaded fast enough aswell , I like the idea of having a zip file on dropbox though, just to be sure, my web hosting dropped out at an interview before when they asked to get my site up! (luckily it was only down for 5 minutes)
yup, send them a zip of the full size images, they don't need the site. They shouldn't penalize you on presentation since it's their IT department that's causing the problems, not you.
Thanks so much everyone for taking the time to check. I really appreciate it. I got some good crits out of this also. Im changing all the images to jpegs atm so site should get faster.
I did all I could re: blocking issues but my web host is adamant its not the site its the studios security. They put in a request to IT to have my site accepted so should be fine:P
Some really quality work on there, by the way, and a nice layout.
Ask this potential employer if he uses IE, and if he does, refuse the job ^^.
Good luck with the employment hunt!
Tried in Chrome and Safari
So its likely an internal block. Man! That's a shame:( Hope this doesn't happen everywhere.
And awesome folio
@ Logithx and @ JR
Can you let me know your average download speeds? All images are .png's I noticed most people use .jpegs.
Is anyone else noticing slow image load times?
Thanks mate
So .jpegs are the way to go then? It seems Im getting mixed speed results with .png
Btw, if the chance for employment doesn't work out, you can always contact Marty!
no idea what I can do about this:(
LOL. I would of fell for that if I didn't already have a friend who did:P
First, use .jpg compression for your images. It is slow for me as well.
1.) Send an archive of all your portfolio images
2.) Save your website into an offline version and send that, through dropbox or some other upload site
Hope it works out, like your work btw
Btw: really nice stuff!
Haha this is the first thing that popped into my head also as soon as I seen Melbourne!
@Garth3d site works fine for me both at work and home, and loaded fast enough aswell
Good luck!
I did all I could re: blocking issues but my web host is adamant its not the site its the studios security. They put in a request to IT to have my site accepted so should be fine:P
Any crits on the site are welcome also
lol. I realized that about 10 posts in:P