Hey everybody,
I thought it is finally the right time to post something I have been working on lately. I am extremely committed to get this piece done.
Originally I have took a
Concept of Artyom Vlaskin, but I decided to take it further and thought of making a proper environment for that structure in the concept. As well as giving it my own spin, as his concept art has been attempted many times here on polycount.
Here is what I have done so far:

Where I aim to take it and mood I am going for:Doodles alert!
Paintover as to where I am going with it now:
In terms of lighting my inspiration is "uncharted" desert levels and "Journey".
So the idea is to make this structure concepted out by Artyom some sort of ancient device that has been built in a tomb for whatever purpose (anyone is free to interpret it as they want) and it has been sealed for many many years. To make it more interesting rather than just leaving it as a generic tomb I thought of adding a bit of story to it by breaching tomb celing, which will allow to show how desert devours this location.
How I approach my work?
Most of the assets are made in ZBrush. Textures are photo sourced with dDo passes on top. I am aware of the problem that dDo has its own "look" if used with default presets and if not approached in a clever manner, so I have decided to stay away from default presets and started creating my own ones for this particular project to get consistent look all the way through all the assets where possible. Also After having a test run with 2.5d canvas tilable textures in ZBrush, I am deffinately going to incorporate that workflow in this piece.
What is the point in all this?
I haven't had a chance to create any personal work worth of "portfolio quality" stamp in almost a year time. I have learned lots in this year and its time to show it off and finally to update my portfolio.
And finally after all this wall of text, I would love to hear all feedback good and bad. Crit all you want! Suggestions on how to improve overall mood are appreciated as well.
Thank you for reading!
Looking forward to seing how this progresses!
@Rageleet I will post wires later. When assets will be completely polished and finished. However they are fairly optimised already.
So here is the texture I worked on. Originally was made for CE3, but this is Marmoset 2 render with re purposed textures for PBR. I probably will have to re purpose all assets within next few days. As I will be moving this project to UE4 once I get my hands on it.
I genuinly feel like I would benefit a lot from crit on texturing. If you have any advice how to improve I will appreciate it. Thank you! More to come soon.
Image updated with applied feedback.
Keep at it! Looks great so far!