Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Patrick Gladys [Student Portfolio]

polycounter lvl 10
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zenpat polycounter lvl 10

Hey there, this is an old post showing the stuff I did when I was still studying game art. I left it here as I think it is interesting to see how people started out and how they developed. It is also a nice memory :)

Hey Polycouters,

my name is Patrick and I was studying digital art/game art for a while now.
School is almost done, and here is my lastest piece I want to share with you guys.

This cathedral/church like interior scene is build up of modules - rendered in CE3









Some other shots.






Feedback and crits are welcome,
Thanks! D


  • T.Bull
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    T.Bull polycounter lvl 13
    Some really nice stuff. I like (:
  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    Hey Patrick,

    This is coming along very well so far. I'm now starting a study on Gothic architecture so will be following the thread. Keep up the great work mate :)
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    great showcase of modular scene. good job
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Looks great! Keep it up! :D
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    Lookin pretty good. Some general portfolio advice:

    1) Get some information on those screenshots. If it is in an engine, throw that logo on there so we know it's real-time. Wireframe shots? Get some tri counts on there. Lets see some texture flats as well. Put your name and portolio site on each image in case someone downloads it and cant remember where from which leads into:

    2) I hate that image previewer because it doesn't allow me to quickly download images.

    3) Render your high polys and your wireframe shots. Presentation is huge, and its the little things that will throw people off, like seeing the zbrush cursor in a presentation shot of a zbrush sculpt *cough*

    Overall you've got some good work in there though, so put in a bit of time sprucing up your portfolio and you'll be on your way!
  • zenpat
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    zenpat polycounter lvl 10
    darbeenbo wrote: »
    Lookin pretty good. Some general portfolio advice:

    1) Get some information on those screenshots. If it is in an engine, throw that logo on there so we know it's real-time. Wireframe shots? Get some tri counts on there. Lets see some texture flats as well. Put your name and portolio site on each image in case someone downloads it and cant remember where from which leads into:

    2) I hate that image previewer because it doesn't allow me to quickly download images.

    3) Render your high polys and your wireframe shots. Presentation is huge, and its the little things that will throw people off, like seeing the zbrush cursor in a presentation shot of a zbrush sculpt *cough*

    Overall you've got some good work in there though, so put in a bit of time sprucing up your portfolio and you'll be on your way!


    thanks for the great advice, - I appreciate that. I'm definately going to do what you said and rework all the images, setup a consistant design or frame I can show my work in and provide the necessary information.

    very helpful, thanks for taking the time.
    - Pat
  • zenpat
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    zenpat polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Patrick,

    This is coming along very well so far. I'm now starting a study on Gothic architecture so will be following the thread. Keep up the great work mate :)

    Thanks Chris !

    There will be more architecture stuff in the future ! Don't think I'll post more of the church, but more of exterior assets like classical, neoclassical, contemporary, art-deco buildings.

    peace !
  • zenpat
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    zenpat polycounter lvl 10
    Looks great! Keep it up! :D

    Thanks metalliandy ! Used your workflow for some of the stone pieces - it works ;)
  • VSchlee
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    VSchlee polycounter lvl 8
    I guess it's time for somewhat new! Looking forward to see stuff from Ryse =)
  • zenpat
    Offline / Send Message
    zenpat polycounter lvl 10
    I will upload some stuff from RYSE ones we get the permission to do so ;) Things have changed A LOT since I created this threat here. :)
  • mettigel
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    mettigel polycounter lvl 6
    It 12Pm in Germany. Thats way i say: Congratulations on the release of RYSE. I love the Game!
  • refriedspinach
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    refriedspinach polycounter lvl 3
    as for non presentation crits, my only suggestion is that the white light (coming from outside i presume) is just too white, try adding a slight hue into it, just a little tint of blue will look good against all the warm colours you allready have in the scene IMO

    look sweet though! lotta hard work was put into this!
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