I have been working off and on for maybe two months, and am dragging my feet. I kind of hit a road block with the ears and hair. I started by using a scan of my head so that I would get the proportions right. Unfortunately I am having trouble lining up photos of my ears with the sculpt... I am thinking of just skipping using photos and just using the bakes to make the texture for them. I have been using projection painting in mudbox, which is a little awkward but kind of fun. I am also not sure what to do with the hair. I have seen some people sculpt it which looks good, and other use planes. Any advice, feedback critiques are very welcome! thank you ^^

Critique is very welcome!!
Most importantly, though, is to make sure the sculpt is spot on before you apply any colour, all it does is make it harder to see where the sculpt could be improved. If you're not instantly happy with the likeness when you see it without colour then you've not finished sculpting yet. It's also easier to crit a sculpt when you can actually make out the form, try posting some shots using the standard materials.
Another thing is that you need to clean up the photos you're using to paint the texture, and maybe do another texture pass from scratch and use a combination of the two, there are certain artistic 'rules' surrounding the colouration of facial regions which you can't always get from slapping down a photo, photos often lie. Eyes also have a pretty nailed-down method of creation for 3D. Some awesome stuff on this in the Polycount wiki which you should definitely read.
Hope some of that helps