I played waaaay too much STALKER and Metro 2033, and eventually this idea happened in the back of my head, and then in 3D. This picture also sparked part of it - the deadly seriousness just oozes out of this photograph:

So after some fiddling and two days of building a master material in UDK that I could instance and turn into basically anything with switches and toggles to turn features on and off, I've got this:

The lighting and lightmap problems are just butchering it right now and I cannot for the life of me get LightMass to play nice. Any help, any lighting tips AT ALL would be priceless to me.
I've been drawing from the gorgeous lighting design in both the Metro games for this, and was originally planning for a cooler blue-green fill within the corridor to give a stale feeling, with some very restricted yellow task lights and then that one ominous red glow pouring out of the open door. But I can't get anything close to the soft, filled-in lighting 4A had. For those of you who've played it, I'm mostly picturing Hole station, with the soft bluish overhead light and the focal points highlighted by either fire light or yellow task lights.