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Character Modeler Portfolio/Website (Please Critique!)

Hello everyone

I just created a website with my latest and current on going projects. I wanted to create it as easy accessible as possible. Pleas let me know what you think and what might be missing or could be improved. Also let me know what you think about the character work.

I am looking forward to your critiques!


- Patrick


  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 13
    Hi there :)
    Good work in your portfolio but it loads really buggy for me. it took three tries before it got your site and its real layout. I got one version that was just text and pictures on the second load so you might want to check that. There I think there are a few things you could do to push it a bit farther presentation and character wise.

    From a presentation standpoint, show your normal, spec and gloss maps as well as diffuse. Right now the images are pretty small, it would be nice if I could click to open a full screen in a new tab or something. Also make sure you have a downloadable version of your resume. You could probably drop the UV flats as well, between your wireframe and the texture flats people can probably guess as to your uv layout. Speaking of wireframe...

    Your topology is well placed I think but very very dense for a character like the warrior (Glar?). 90k could be considered overkill for a character that doe not have a lot of layered clothes or a face. Looking at the armor on his shins a lot of that could be reduced and you would be fine. The texturing as far at the color is concerned looks nice but your spec and gloss needs more work. Your skin is reading at almost the same intensity as the metal.

    Your pose is ok right now but I think warrior would read better in a stronger pose to really bring him to life or at least put one of his swords in hand and give him a fighting stance, something to compliment who he is, like you did with the miner.

    Speaking of the miner show some wires and texture flats and a picture of the original concept. You could also maybe push the materials a bit more on him, everything is reading kinda the same and a bit flat on the shoes. if you aren't using a gloss map yet, start and if you are push it harder.

    I understand the sculpt is a WIP so I wont say anything on it other than it looks good so far and you should try and avoid posting your sculpt to your portfolio till it's done.

    If these pieces are completely done and you're moving on I understand and these crits can just be things to keep in mind for the future. Hope this helps and sorry if anything I said took the wind out of your sails.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    You have some great stuff here, and I really like the portfolio. The horizontal layout works great for a limited number of images.

    My only concern like Mr. Hobo had said was the poly distribution on the warrior, 90K is pretty huge - not absolutely out of the stratosphere, but not optimized either. Also his specular is a bit flat.

    Love the anatomy study and the partisan as well.
  • islipaway
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    islipaway polycounter lvl 10
    On your references you have email addresses listed as tttc.com I believe this should be tttc.ca? Unless you have a sideline in wedding cakes!

    On your contact page the work and phone fields are capitalized but are repeated at the bottom of the page non capitalized, not sure it matters much but your presentation otherwise is very sleek and it seems strange repeating the information in a different format on the same page. Also the phone field is blank on the contact page but filled in at the bottom of all the other pages.

    Advice I have seen given many times is to include your contact information on all your images as prospective employers may save an image but then have no reference as to where it came from.

    I expected clicking the images to open them in a larger version/new tab not progress the timeline.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 10
    Right now it seems like as you scroll to the right the models just get better and better. Of course this is purely subjective. But I would showcase the models in the opposite order probably. Becaues I feel like the helmet and the specular on the first guy isn't up to the same calibur as everything else.

    But if you wanted to they should be a relatively easy to improve for someone with your skill.

    Ya know I don't think a guy who can actually model faces so brilliantly wants their first guy in their portfolio to have his head covered as though you don't know how to model faces when you do!
  • PatKilcher
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    @mrHobo: thank you for taking the time and giving critique. The problem about loading the website should be solved by now I hope.
    I will try that the pictures open in a new tab that they show in a larger resolution. Also agree about the downloadable resume. The point about the gameRes Character is 90K is too high, I will definitely try to make it better on the next character. the character is meant to be as a nextGen (PS4, Xbox One) gameRes Character.
    Also I will keep an eye on my texture and gloss maps and try to improve my maps. I am planing to give him a pose as well. Haven't really figured out yet to do it efficient. One way is in ZBrush wit Transpose Master. But I would rather learn some rigging and weight painting. It is a good additional skill to have. Speaking about the Miner I agree with all what you said. I will try to push him further. Thanks you. And no you didn't take the wind out of my sails. I like your critique you gave me.

    @ysalex: thank you! Glad to hear you like my work. As mentioned in the answer to mrHobo. I will keep an eye to improve my triangles count. Also from the critique I received so far, the specular is mentioned quite often. so yeah.. I just have to get better making my spec and gloss maps. thank you!!

    @slipaway: hahah... the wedding cakes. Not sure if they would do the job as references in my resume. thanks for the attentions on details (capitalized letters and phone number) Wouldn't have seen that by myself.

    @Pancakes: what don't you like about the helmet and where can you spot some issues on specular? thanks you!
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 10
    I'm not really qualified to critique you, it's just that the helmet and spec aren't reading as well as everything else. Maybe it's just the lighting and materials to be honest.

    But my main issue is the fact that you are completely covering a character's face. Which I feel is usually never the best way to go especially for someone with exceptional ability to sculpt faces.

    I think maybe if there was a big hammer smash hole in the side of the helm which partially reveals the character face, then I'd be satisfied =p But, of course, it's not about me=)

    BTW it doesn't seem the link in your signature works only the link on your forum text.
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