Hello friends, this is something I'm working on for one of my assignments. If anyone is interested I have images on how a couple of the objects were made. Apart from that feel free to critique me, there are a couple of things I suspect will come up.
Really great work on the hard surface stuff, especially the belt!
You should redo the folds on his short. There are to many and these are only small hard folds. Use refs.
Work more on the hands, they should be bigger. He's a barbarian, he should be able to kill a bear by slapping it!
Rework the eyes too. Now that's just my opinion but they lack personality. Just by his look I should be able see that he has seen many battles. Pick a tough actor and try to replicate his eyes.
In regards to the polypaint, perhaps it would be a good idea to dirty him up a bit. Not too sure about barbarians and their use of war-paint, but it might add a nice dynamic to your model.
Just testing polypaint projection with flattened Zbrush Subtools. Making sure everything works before I start.
Also ironing out technical problems with different styles of projection.
Hey guys, I've taken what you said and dirtied him up a bit. I included some SSS and made him a little bit softer aesthetically. If you're wondering why he has a scar is because he's and based off an adaptation of Sagat from street fighter.
I'm planning on remaking the eyes, the sword and improving the accuracy of the SSS. Then after Christmas he will be going into engine.
Those shorts are really distracting. I would consider resculpting them if you can. If not try to smooth them out. Tone down the ao on the shorts in the diffuse it's only making them look worse. Actually tone down the ao on all of the cloth/fur. It's looking really dark. Also if you want your metals to look like metals make the diffuse really really dark. Metal is all specular. Also in future put that sword on a separate texture it is really suffering from lack of resolution. Other than that looking good so far. Keep it up!
I would also suggest to define the muscles a bit more, especially on the torso. Well it's maybe a bit late if you don't want to start over from the sculpt ^^.
Also, if you don't do a specific texture for the head, you should at least scale the UV's to give it more definition. just think about it next time.
For the assignment we were restricted to 12k and one 2048 map (Including equipment). If it was a personal project I would have used multiple maps. I'm going to redo the shorts tough they have been a problem. : S
Looks pretty good but my main problems with it are the texture/mat of the sword blade and the shorts; there are waay too many folds there, pretty much all cloth would have fewer but larger folds.
You should redo the folds on his short. There are to many and these are only small hard folds. Use refs.
Work more on the hands, they should be bigger. He's a barbarian, he should be able to kill a bear by slapping it!
Rework the eyes too. Now that's just my opinion but they lack personality. Just by his look I should be able see that he has seen many battles. Pick a tough actor and try to replicate his eyes.
Cheers, I'll see what I can do.
I have an LP ready but there are a couple of things I want to edit before posting.
Will be finished by Friday.
Regardless, I love your style. Very nice.
I may come back and rework the trousers and a couple of other things at a later date.
A quick test bake before I start unwrapping.
I'm kind of worried about how the head connects to the body. Have yet to finish a mouth box.
Also ironing out technical problems with different styles of projection.
I'm planning on remaking the eyes, the sword and improving the accuracy of the SSS. Then after Christmas he will be going into engine.
I would also suggest to define the muscles a bit more, especially on the torso. Well it's maybe a bit late if you don't want to start over from the sculpt ^^.
Also, if you don't do a specific texture for the head, you should at least scale the UV's to give it more definition. just think about it next time.