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[UDK] Medieval Horror Environment

polycounter lvl 10
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ScottP polycounter lvl 10
Hey all,

In spirit of Halloween I wanted to share an environment I am working on for a personal project. It is a medieval city set during an outbreak of the plague.

Lighting needs work and I am moving on to add more props and detail the areas more, as well as remove placeholder items. Any feedback or opinions are appreciated. Thanks!



  • Rokugan
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    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome stuff Scott! Kinda reminds me of JonasDeRo's "Dark ages" concept, but more horror.

  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    nice job. creepy indeed. the 2 things that stood out to me was the white/blue flag i think could be torn/tattered and i think the blue should be more of a de-saturated dark red, i think it fits the mood of the piece better.

    Second thing was 2 of the corpses on poles don't feel like gravity is working properly. The guy in the center of the 1st image and the 4th image look like a relaxed A pose instead of their arms loose and hanging lifelessly.
  • ScottP
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    ScottP polycounter lvl 10
    Rokugan wrote: »
    Awesome stuff Scott! Kinda reminds me of JonasDeRo's "Dark ages" concept, but more horror.


    Ah yeah, that was a early inspiration image for me. As i add more props and so on im going to go back and finalize the lighting and shaders to reflect the damp foggy look that really sells that image. I have puddles made but they are hard to see in the image. I might try moving the reflections to DX11 as the scene is currently build with DX9.

    That and my shadows really need some work.

    Good eye thanks.
  • Rokugan
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    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    I'm really curious to see the scene with light reworked :)
    Also, do you already know which props you will be adding to the scene?

    I am doing some considerations to myself given what I see in the scene(please feel free to ignore this if that's not what you are aiming for). To me it looks like a recently plundered and razed village given the fires. This might also justify the fact that oil lanterns are still burning (yeah I know that sometimes it doesn't have to make perfect sense, but I love to tell myself some backstory when I see awesome scenes). Now, I'd be adding some everyday-life objects and small structures (well, carts, farming tools, ropes, food storing jars and so on). Couple corpses on the ground could add some variation, like the invaders didn't impale the whole village (maybe couple dead animals, but that's really not necessary at all). The last thing that comes to my mind is that is very unlikely for a medieval village to have the whole flooring made out of rock bricks, they had way more dirt roads and given the rain you would have quite some mud and water puddles going on. Oh and also with a full stone flooring it would be also unlikely to have that much vegetation going on (if the scenario I depicted is correct).

    I'm really sorry but I had to throw out some logical situation :D
    Anyway even without considering what I wrote, this is really looking beautiful!
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    This is really really awesome. Would you be willing to show a breakdown of the environment props? Your buildings are very impressive!

    Also, import this sucker into the Chivalry Deadliest Warrior when it moves beyond Beta. You've got yourself some publicity for your work.
  • Addi
    the mood really comes across for me.

    A few minor things, as mentioned there's a lot of tall grass coming from what look like cobbled streets, also the spikes and people are very blood free so maybe something to adjust.

    Really digging it! :) Perhaps you could add some crows or birds circling overhead.
  • cosmicsquid
    This is so cool man. I can feel the melancholy of the place jump out right from the first pic.
    As said above I would LOVE to see some breakdowns. Also, moar rats and crows would be awesome. :D
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    should be in chivalry
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