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Please help: Retain Object's position from Softimage to UDK

polycounter lvl 6
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synergy11 polycounter lvl 6

Is it possible to export an object to UDK and retain the same position around the origin from Softimage to UDK?

For some of my objects I do not want to export them and then have to move them back into place in UDK.

Any help appreciated.



  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Its been a while since I've worked with UDK. I'm assuming the transforms are already frozen after moving a mesh to where you would want it? Have you tried making it the child of a null or other object, and exporting the entire hierarchy?
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    What you are saying Is I can make one object the child of another. And then export them as separate objects, then I will bring them into udk and the child will be placed in relation to the parent object?

    I have a building with windows on each wall. One wall is on the grid perfectly but the second wall is on a diagonal (not on the grid). What I want to do is export each piece of wall in relation to each other. Because I won't be able to place the diagonal correctly in UDK. And I don't want to combine to objects into one because I 'll lose Light map density.

    Ugh. Maybe this is why I always see square/symmetrical buildings in games! :)
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Actually can one large model have multiple UV channels for lightmaps? If so is this the same idea/process as creating multiple material ID's?
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    [pquote]What you are saying Is I can make one object the child of another. And then export them as separate objects, then I will bring them into udk and the child will be placed in relation to the parent object?
    Export as one object. Otherwise, offset the center of each object so that placing the object at 0,0,0 will still align everything.
    Actually can one large model have multiple UV channels for lightmaps?
    Its a different idea that having multiple material ids/ xsi clusters however. If the model has multiple uv sets, fbx should handle them automatically
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. What I should do is move all my objects centers to the origin in Softimage. 0,0,0 then when I move my object to 0,0,0 the center will offset. Then In udk I move the center to the origin and the mesh will be where it was in softimage? So the objects center in Softimage represents the Pivot/gizmo in UDK?
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