Welcome to polycount! I like the basic form from what I can see. I'm think to get a full idea for what is going on we need to see some side and profile shots. The musculature looks a little lumpy if that makes sense. Keep it up man. Looking forward to seeing your progress
Here he is. I acknowledge that his claws and horns need either re-sizing. coloring, the actual existence of toe claws, etc. I also had some reptile bling scales for his back back there was technical issues with faulty scale inserts. In short a 90% submittal.
I see you put lots of work in it
Let me suggest few things:
- This human eye not the best choice for reptiles. Use something like this: http://www.hdwpapers.com/walls/alligator_eye_wallpaper-normal.jpg
- The scales right now too regular and busy. Break those with bigger scales and create more shapes with them, like: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Two_american_alligators.jpg (notice the small and big flat scales too)
- I would recommend a bigger leg for this weight. http://payload163.cargocollective.com/1/2/77066/5573555/Trex_zbrush_6_905.jpg
- About the colors... well is there a reason for the current colors? For me its more like a cartoon right now. The wings like a butterfly. And yep, those claws and spikes need some bone painting
- For the wings some SSS would be awesome!
I know how hard to redo things, but trust me, it's worth to do. I'm making an "offline" dragon sculpt in my freetime, and I did redo things countless times... : http://www.artbytheodoric.hu/temp/sculpting/dragon/dragon_WIP.jpg (scales in progress)
Keep up the good work!