I am currently working on constructing a vehicle inspired from the wold of Sugar Rush. I started with a concept, modeled, and sculpted it. I am currently working on the textures. The goal is to make the car look like it belongs in the movie. I am going for cinematic quality, instead of a game asset for this project.
I would really appreciated any feedback or critique you can give me. Thank you.

These are the silhouettes for various vehicle concepts before I really nailed down my idea.
Here is the design I chose and the character I designed to go with it.
A beauty render of the car with a color pallet.
This is a work in progress render of the sculpted model. I worked back and forth between. 3DS Max and Zbrush.
Here is a WIP of the character. I decided to name her Poko. I also came up with a logo design as well.
Here is a wireframe of the finished model. Now it I am beginning the texturing phase.
Here is another work in progress for Poko the sculpt is almost completed at this point.
At this point I have unwrapped everything. I am now playing with materials. Here, I have blocked out color and at this point I will be taking it one material at a time and start playing with different settings until I get the look that I am going for.
Here it is with the materials applied. They need a bit more tweaking, but they are almost done!
I like the idea of anything made out of candy so I think the vehicle is adorable btw. The back wheel's material is confusing me atm. The frosting material is really working though.
The straws coming from behind the seat are meant to shot out hard candy at other players. (similar to mario kart)
I also agree with you about the back wheel. Here is the reference image I have been using.
Making the material look more like the picture will be one of my goals for the week.
Thank you again for the critique, it is much appreciated.
It would still be pretty effective with just white dots on black though.
Here is what I have so far for the animation. This is the last week! Unfortunately, I couldn't add the character due to the time crunch. This next week will be more rendering and compositing.