Welcome to the 2D Noob challenge!
This thread is for those of you who wish to improve your skills in concepting / 2D in general.
This is a once every 2 weeks (ish) challenge on the first of each month and on the 16th of each month. On the beginning of each new challenge I will post two entries, the most creative idea and the best technical. This is subject to change depending on feedback from you guys and gals on what you feel is an appropriate time slot.
Add Vysuki on Skype and I can add you to the 2D challenge group chat on there.
Previous 2d Challenges:
October 2013 Part 1:
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=126423The Challenge!
This two week challenge will be around the conception of a throne. You can design this in the same way as the previous weapons thread with a front on and even add a side view too if you wish. Or if you feel like it you can go for a perspective shot or even paint up an mini environment to put it in.
However only the throne will be judged on technique and design.
Rules: - Starts October 16th and ends on October 31st
- It can be fantasy, sci-fi whatever floats your boat.
- In this it can seat a character of any size, in case you wish to do an ogre, or maybe an alien throne that needs to make room for giant arms or tentacles.
- It can be a standard throne chair, you can include magic elements, system screens, telepathic control systems whatever you can think of that would make the ruler of <X> a suitable throne.
- It needs to be finished as digital but your starting / designing steps can be traditional.
As before, the reason for this is traditional is harder for answering questions as workflows for different media vary and it would be difficult to learn together.
It would be preferred if you can show your initial idea generations and post any development pics.
Below is an example of a throne design (From

This shots in perspective but as mentioned in the rules, front / front and side views are fine.
Don't forget the 3d challenge!
First up, one of the best technically by Optinium :
Second, one of the most interesting design wise by noHero
usually I use imgur to upload the image and copy paste the BBCode link here.
As for the picture issue I rehosted the work you did on my deviant art stash folder, it's private link so it can only be seen where I link it (only here). It's a pretty good way of keeping a pile of art work if you don't want it on somewhere like imgur.
Sweet challenge, might have a go at a perspective shot. Left this a little late last time looking forward to putting up some designs.
Thanks for everyone's help, went for deviant art stash. So hopefully this works...
That's my WIP sketch
Thank you for the challenge, its all turning out good enough to put into my portfolio.