Hey guys,
This is some military guy Ive been working on in the shadows for a while and I'm finally happy to show to you all

These aren't exactly the 'final images' but I'm getting close!
-Also the gun is by the great Stromberg90,
Thanks for letting me use it dude.
(rendered in Marmoset Toolbag)

Hope you all like it, cheers!!
I wasn't going to the extent of saying the character itself is Tom Hardy, but the face was based on him originally and kinda stopped going for his likeness in the end, but its good that it stills resembles him
Thanks dude!
Also cheers, Torch
@Ysalex, thanks dude! Also I have to agree, they do look odd. Something I'll take into consideration for next time!
@NegevPro, Big compliment, thanks a lot
another close up
I find his mouth to look a bit weird, but that is more a design choice than something wrong.
Model looks great. Just curious if the head is supposed to be a little big for the body?
@Kot_Leopold, Thanks man, the folds aren't something I am going to change at this point, but I agree, they look too even. I'll make sure I avoid this In my next character!
@afisher, I completely agree, yup the lips are definitely too sharp I'll try and smooth the edges out some, maybe fill out the top lip. Also yeah, I saw some of their scans over at CGHUB, makes you realise how much tiny details make a difference in realism. Thanks dude!
@CyberGameArts, I'll try to get some up later tonight
@Seth, sorry for the late reply dude been away In London for a few days. Cheers for the input though, I completely agree I'll sort that out ASAP