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LoZ: Zora: WIP Critique and Feedback Welcomed.

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ElliotB polycounter lvl 6
Hello, here is a sculpt I have been working on for the past week. It is a Zora creature from the Legend of Zelda series. This sculpt is loosely based on the concept created by Jasper Sandner, I started with the intention of staying true to the concept, but then my mind started wandering and I made some of my own adjustments. I want to make this creature look slender but powerful at the same time, so I wanted to post it up and see what you guys/gals had to say about it. Any and all feedback is appreciated and I hope you like it.

Zora by ElliotBetancourt, on Flickr

Zora WIP by ElliotBetancourt, on Flickr


  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    Interesting. Although, it's not like a friendly Zora (for example OoT or MM), it has more of a shape that resembles the ones from the original Zelda and ALttP. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say that it wasn't quite what I expected to see, ha ha. But it looks like it's coming along quite well.
  • ElliotB
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    ElliotB polycounter lvl 6
    You make a great point Bob, In your opinion if you would have seen this without the concept and the title of the thread would you have guessed it was a Zora? I dont want it to become monster from the black lagoon or anything. Thanks for your feedback!
  • BobtheGreatII
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    BobtheGreatII polygon
    I don't honestly think I would have. As it's missing the defining characteristics of the Zora's that I think of. Which would be those in Majora's Mask, OoT, and Twilight Princess. Those characteristics would be, the large tail section coming off the head, the fins on the arms, and the more human shape. See here: http://zeldawiki.org/Zora

    However, the more I look in to this. According to the Zelda Wiki, the Zora's you might be modeling would be called "River Zoras". Which I believe is what that concept is more going after. You can see them here: http://zeldawiki.org/River_Zora I guess I never really looked in to it, but if that's what you're going after, maybe looking at some of the old art for the River Zora would help.

    So possibly I was jumping the gun a bit, if the River Zora is what you're going after, then I think you're on the right path, I just had something else in mind when I clicked open this thread. :)
  • ElliotB
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    ElliotB polycounter lvl 6
    Wow! Thank you so much for the detective work and the links. You have really given me something to think about, I never really looked into it myself. I have to be honest I was aiming more for the Oot, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess Zora just with a darker twist, haha but that is essentially what the River Zora is :D

    I think with the sculpt that I have already made I might have to detour and run with the river zora route. Thanks again for your feedback, you really dropped some Zelda knowledge on me :)
  • ElliotB
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    ElliotB polycounter lvl 6
    Here is an update to current project the River Zora :) thanks to BobtheGreat for showing me the difference between Zora's. This is not a friendly sea Zora, this is the nasty river Zora that pops out of the water and attacks our green tunic wearing friend.

    Getting close to finishing all the major detail that I can brush in, next step will be to add in some high frequency details.

    Let me know what you guys think.

    ZoraWIP2 by ElliotBetancourt, on Flickr
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