Hi All,
I am doing my ma in games art this year.
I am currently working on a 3d character. This is just an anatomy wip i am working on for the guy;s body.

I am after a lean looking character. I have used various sources of reference for the model.
I am currently unsure of my inaccuracies and looking for some feedback from fellow artists

Oh and the head close up WIP:

Thanks for viewing,
Kind regards~
Human skin doesn't react this way and it makes it hard to judge your progress...
I would say for the most part its a really good start. Here are some things I notice...
- Head is a tad large
- feet and toes need work
- His posture even for a T pose is too stiff. He looks like he is leaning forward, and his shoulders could be pulled back in a more natural position.
- On the head, from the side view, I think his chin, mouth and nose are angled too upright. In other words it should be tilted more so the chin is not so far out.
- Ears look a tad far back
- The insertion point of the chest is wrong. It should connect in the armpit area and it currently looks like its connecting on the outer deltoid ( shoulder).
- Even for a skinny guy, his hips should be more established. They tapper in too much at the top of the hip bone.
- while the back of the knee looks pretty good, if you look at the area on the outer side, there is a big lump there, and it doesn't look correct. At the very least it shouldn't go so low and be smoothed out more.
- biceps seem to pull outward, where in reality they would pull inward towards the body and connect in the arm pit.
- Some strange detail at the hips, like lines there that should be smoothed.
- Ribs look pretty sloppy and need to be more carefully sculpted and formed.
- in general the ribs, chest, and abs could be smoothed out more.
But he looks very good for a starting point, keep working on him!
I will keep working on it!
Cheers for the critique. I agree his head is large. I am still shaving his cranium down. I have not worked on the toes yet, they are just really bad extrusions! XD Will get to that soon. You are right about his pose . I was gona lean his chest and rib cage back more
OH i dont think naterial has cavity, it is a custom modelling matcap I found online o.o
@dustinbrown: Thankyou for the feedback, I agree about his bodyfat. In fact he was actually slightly 'chubbier' before. It is a real challenge trying to determine levels of body fat between skin and muscle for me
Earlier progress on torso.
Current hand wip
Most of my anatomy pracice comes from just bone and muscle. It is a challenge for me to try and make the skin wrap around it realistically with fat. I will also work on his head and more and your right about the ears too far back
Kind regards~
I had done some major changes. Not so sure if its clearly visible :S
Beefed up his torso more, added more fat in areas, defined and smoothing abs, sarratus anterior, trapz, pecs and other central areas.
Smoothed and did more sculpting in hips and buttocks.
Redefined, the legs, no work on feet at the moment.
Hands are still the same, reworked on arms, but they are thinner now and seem to make the hands look bigger XD
Head is slightly less wide. Less wider lips, but now his face looks longer... need to raise his jaw area..
Redefined neck line, cranium, back of head/ears, nose and glabella,