Hello there!
Recently I've been working on my own sci fi level which is still in the fairly early layout stages. I'm making everything in maya, and I kind of build as I go along- so as you'll see in the screenshots I've provided, some elements are more developed than others. I've even completed a couple of pieces for it already and one is well on the way.
Originally this was going to be a Jedi Academy homage, but that has quickly changed. I found that while I love the game and the Star Wars franchise, for it to be truly 'star wars' (I was going for an imperial base) it would need to be quite clean, and simplistic. As nice as that is, since I'm still fairly new to the world of games art, I felt the need to challenge myself, so ended up going in my own direction- one that involves a more gritty feel, with more detail. I've been taking a lot of inspiration from Warframe.
I'd like to show you all where I am with it so far, and get some tips from the pros. At the moment everything is very modular, so there's lots of duplicating going on (great for sci fi) however I'd like to break up the modularity a little, but I'm not sure how. Couple of unique assets perhaps to break up the composition, I'm open to all suggestions

any asset ideas would be appreciated too! I don't want to make too many complicated things, I'd like to balance it with some simple objects like crates and perhaps weapon racks, again, suggestions are welcomed

In a nutshell, it's a sci fi base inside a mountain that's used for some sort of power study/processing for advanced weaponry. Ok enough of the essay, here's the stuff:
The green block represents the scale of an average-joe human. As you can see, a lot of things are still very simple.

The walkways have lifts that would allow the player to get down to the main work floor.

The main work floor, at present. The thing in the middle is the big important thing of the level; the power source. Imagine that sphere in the centre is a glowy orb ball of wonder.

A view from above

View of the top of the cavern- this section of the base is used to channel the energy from the power source up into another room in the base, which is used for something. I don't quite know what because I'm not making that part. Perhaps I will after this environment.

Average Joe at one of the computer consoles. The scale of them is a little off, I'm working on it. Also they're in their early stages, but they'll look awesome and have nice glowing monitors at some point.

And a view of the whole thing from infinite space. Spot average joe! So from this you get the idea of the structure, it's fairly simple and cylindrical, but as I say, I'm going to find ways to make it look unique and not so repetitive.

Very soon I'll be doing paintover concepts of these to give you a better idea of what I want the final result to look like. It will all be rendered in real-time, in cryengine.
An incomplete piece that I'm currently working on.

For the walkways- please ignore the imperial emblem, this was done when it was still a star wars piece! I'll be getting rid of it.

Well, that's it for now. I have a lot to do! But it's been great fun so far. Any tips, suggestions and such would be hugely appreciated. I expect this to be pulled apart left right and center in the coming weeks but in the end something awesome will come of it
