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polycounter lvl 3
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DeathMethod polycounter lvl 3
Hey all, Ive been trying to do this handpainted thing for a while now. Studying along with the Jamin Shoulet. I painted this texture using a lot of his methods as well as a few other things Ive picked up, however I feel its missing something.
Any feedback from anyone to make this piece look better would be appreciated.



  • Rokugan
    Offline / Send Message
    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    You could use a bit more definition and contrast, espacially to make the color variation more interesting. You could achieve something like this without pushing too much the values in term of contrast, so it would still look good after being lit in a game engine
  • DeathMethod
    Offline / Send Message
    DeathMethod polycounter lvl 3

    I made the image in layers so pushed the highlight and colour opacity up and I think its made a good deal of improvement. Thanks!
  • Rokugan
    Offline / Send Message
    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    My process was a bit different, I did a smart sharpen 100%, then copied the layer of the texture and applied an auto contrast, set the layer style to color dodge and turned down the opacity to 10-15%. Glad to be helping ^^
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