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Shadow Warrior

polycounter lvl 11
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Ark polycounter lvl 11
So anyone playing this? Been waiting for this since it was announced, and oh boy does it live up to it's expectations!
I knew it would be good since it's made by the same guys that did Hard Reset which was a great game if a little hard. :P

First the combat just takes you back to the old-school style of shooters, more twitch gunplay and dodging than hiding behind a crate waiting for health regen.
The star of the show is the Katana though. If you've played Dark Messiah, then the combat is a a star above that, combined with the Spirit powers, just some of the best fun I've had playing a game.

Game looks amazing too, so much colour compared some some of today's grey/brown shooters. It also runs flawlessly, has a crap-ton of stuff going on on-screen, so much mayhem it's great!

Probably one of the best true PC shooters in ages, and I would say it's my GOTY.

Well worth picking up if you like old-school style shooters and the combat mechanics of Dark Messiah. I'm glad games like this can still be made with a industry dominated in console style shooters. :)


  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Ark wrote: »
    If you've played Dark Messiah, then the combat is a a star above that, combined with the Spirit powers, just some of the best fun I've had playing a game.
    Hadn't heard of this game but that has definitely gotten my interest.
  • Bruno Afonseca
    Looks stupid. I'm sold
  • Zocky
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    Zocky greentooth
    Well, i never even knew about the original back in 90s, but i did watch Total Biscuit preview/review, and though i'd try it out....

    So far I played just 1 hour but hot damn, this game is amazing! Weapon-wise.....hey, just give me that katana, i don't even need other weapons, it's way too fun to use it. Seriously. :P

    Visually, while here and there it tech-wise it doesn't look maybe like crysis 4 (like, trees seems to still be ...not quite on par with crysis trees or such, but other then that, visually it looks amazing really. Love the colors (a nice change in FPS genre), the theme is great, level design i would say is great too, at least so far...

    Also, while i love Serious Sam 3 aswell, i like that this game, while being old school shooter, still has quite some complexity, various combos you can use, weapon upgrades, etc....

    So, all in all, it's amazing game so far, i'm having even more fun with it then Bioshock infinite (and i liked it a lot).....
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!?! THEY REMADE IT!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!!?

    OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did this evade me!? Best game ever back in the day. Please tell me they still have nukes!?

  • lilyyricard
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    Haven't heard of this game either. Is it worth its price?
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Well it's priced a lot lower than most AAA games. Imho it's definatley worth it, especially with the fun I'm having and it's also quite a long game compared to today's shooters.

    I have some -10% coupons for it on Steam if anyone want's one, just send me a PM with your your Steam username, and I'll' send you one right over.
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    can't wait to get this game :D enjoyed the original and this looks like a worthy remake!
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    I'm at Chapter 5, great game so far. Lots of fun, plenty of secret areas and cameos, love it!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    I have like 3 10% coupons if anyone wants.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Finished it this morning. Awesome game, probably my favourite game so far in 2013.

    The ending I thought was a little dragged on, but everything else has been great.

    I'm hoping this sell's well since they want to do a Blood remake and it all kinda relies on sales from this.

    Onto EX mode now for another playthrough. :)
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Apparently there's mod tools coming soon in march/april for this, anyone interest in poking around with it?
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Huh; could be cool. I suppose depending on ease of use (Curse you arma3 tools!) I'd muck around with adding new swords. Shadow warrior had quite a pretty engine.

    Still haven't finished it though; I think I gave up at the last boss cause he kept pushing me off the edge or something. Didn't have the patience I suppose.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    fonfa wrote: »
    Looks stupid. I'm sold

    I almost spat all over my screen, lmfao.
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