So I've lurked around polycount for a long time and I've finally decided to post some of what I'm working on. I'm still quite a newbie and have little experience in the industry.
I'm currently working on Jam Kuradoberi from the Guilty Gear series for my portfolio.
I have a very long road ahead and a lot of failures to endure through. Thank you all for taking the time to have a quick look at my thread
This is my reference image

So I decided to start off this piece with zspheres, usually I make my base mesh in Maya. I decided on zsphere because I see these clips of great artists doing it so I think to myself "That's what I'm doing wrong". Turns out everyone is different and what works for someone doesn't always work for the other

I decided to sculpt this in pose so I had no symmetry, the reason I decide to do it in pose was just practice really. Also I decided to sculpt her anatomy for practice as well even though I knew like 70% of it was covered. Man she looks like she has some kind of skin disease

I was thinking if I should keep it true to the drawing or do my own style. I decided to go my own way since I was already heading in that direction.

The topology started to work against me here so instead of going into further detailed I took it into topogun to retopo it. Look back now zspheres weren't too bad I got to knock out the pose quick.

I took the model into maya and made some base mesh clothes for her.

I Started on doing some cloth sculpts which is probably one of my biggest weakness. I stopped where I was here and decided I can(hopefully) do better

I finally managed to do more on the Qipao after crying for an hour or so. I think one of the big problems I had was, starting and carrying through, I would do maybe 5 - 10 minutes worth and didn't like it and start again. The cloth wasn't giving me a good feeling right off so this was quite hard for me to get to here.
Her anatomy looks a bit much but I think when I put on SSS it will tone down most of it so it may work out.
Sorry for the very long first post. As always critiques and comments are most welcome(welcomed?)
Is this JUST a sculpture or are we planning to make this game ready?
It's looking nice, but if it's preposed like that, animating it may hurt.
haha this is definitely just a sculpt. I don't have much experience making game models, I'm thinking of making Baiken from Guilty Gear after this piece and having that as a game model.
If someone gave me something like this and said now rig it and animate it, I'd probably kill them.
Right now I'm working on her skirt, I was thinking sculpting the pleated skirt but now looking at it might be easier to make it in Maya and then just do some simple folds in zbrush.
P.S Can I change the thread name? It's Kuradoberi not Kurodaberi
Keep going, this is good stuff
eddie10sixty6: Cheers Buddy
almighty_gir: oh yeaaaaah
blinKX10: Thanks man
jksl: Cheers dude, yeah I'm not too sure how I'm going to do the hair as well, I was thinking if this was going to just be a sculpture I would just do solid sculpted hair. I may look at like Maya hair etc, but I've never really had good results with it.
Yeah the feet look alittle small and a bit thin aswell, perhaps widen the sole.
Lookin rad tho!
Mask_Salesman:Thanks buddy, yeah I went back and made the feet a bit bigger
The hands probably could use some more love as well
Cheers guys
Now I have to figure out how I'm going to tackle her hair
great progress dude
Keep it up !
Scythe: Cheers Buddy
JohnnyRaptor: I hope so, thanks
Guedin: Glad you like it!
SveinY: ooo definitely, thanks for pointing that out to me!
Keep going !
and my old enemy... folds... lookin sexy