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Item getting distorted in Dota 2 (3DS Max, FBX)

I'm having troubles with a gauntlet I'm trying to test in the Dota 2 import tool. The item gets shrunk and stretched (though seems to be bound to the correct bones at least) as you can see below:


I'm using 3DS Max 2013, with Valve's provided FBX files. I've done an xform reset of the gauntlet model, reset scale/transform, and the pivot point has been zeroed. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, any ideas?

Edit: fixed attachment, thanks DestroyerGR.


  • DestroyerGR
    Offline / Send Message
    DestroyerGR polycounter lvl 5
    ''Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator''

    Re-upload the file mate :)
  • robbotic
    So, I've still been bashing my head against this brick wall, with no luck so far.

    Among other things, I've tried importing the SMD files using the Wall Worm plugin for 3DS 2013, but it gives me an error "bone index out of range"... So I'm stuck with FBX for the moment it seems...
  • Andyk125
    Offline / Send Message
    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    Make sure you use "reset x-form" before you start skinning the model.
    After that start skinning and select all bones and the model and use export selected, and select .fbx

    This should work fine.
  • ike_ike
    Offline / Send Message
    ike_ike polycounter lvl 12
    i think sven's just got outdated files on the requirements page, you might have better luck decompiling the ingame gauntlet instead.
  • robbotic
    Thanks guys.

    @Andyk125 My workflow up to this point has been exactly as you suggested, so I'm not sure that's the problem.

    @beetrootChan I'm beginning to think that's where the issue is, it's about the only thing I haven't tried. I was avoiding it since I don't have much experience with decompiling assets out of the source engine. But it looks like I'll have to give it a go.
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    His gauntlet in the provided files is nothing like ingame one. I've got the decompiled one from the ingame files, shoot me a PM if you want to, i'll upload it somewhere
  • robbotic
    Thanks vlad, I've had a go decompiling the files myself and did notice that the "gauntlet_model.dmx.smd" is completely different from what I already had (though it looks nothing like what you see in the actual game either, am I looking at the wrong file?).

    I'm more interested in the bones themselves at the moment, and on that front I've had a bit of success! The decompiled bones are much larger in scale than the provided ones. So I think when I skinned my mesh to the smaller bones, the now smaller mesh was being stretched to fit the larger in-game ones.

    Edit: I was looking at the wrong decompiled sven_gauntlet file. I think I've found the correct one now (with the correct bones), and it seems to have fixed all my problems.

    Thanks for all the help, everyone!
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