I've decided to try my hand at creating a scene within CryEngine as I have never touched it before. I was impressed with what Disting has managed to do and got inspired!
I am using this concept:

Here is what I have after a couple of days:

Sorry it is quite dark, just using TOD atm and haven't figured out how to make it brighter. I want the materials on the far wall to reflect the glow of the sun on floor more, but I think I just need to tweak some settings.
Can anyone explain why the shadows on the wall aren't accurate? the meshes are flush with each other but there is a gap before the shadow starts. My materials are a multi sub, but with only 1 sub material, the textures (as I figured I woulnd't be running around it I wouldn't need collision?). Do I need the proxy stuff to help with shadows?
I had to turn on 2 sided rendering to make the shadows appear. Is this the way I should be doing it?
The textures are nice and clean at the moment, but I will be dirtying them up a bit and adding some more details later.
Thanks for looking
I have set up an irradiance volume, but is this only to help lights that are created within it and not the sun itself? I kinda of solved the shadow problem by changing the TOD Shadow cascade bias. I want to set it to 0, as it creates shadows beginning from the object like so:
But then where the sun shines on the floor there is horrible banding, so I have to set it to 0.1 which solves the banding, but then there is still a little gap before the shadow starts:
I'll keep tinkering and post an update later tonight
Edit: I fixed the shadow problem by just giving the walls some thickness, seems to have solved it!
As far as crits go, the pattern is tightly packed and the wood texture looks very rough and worn. The pattern isn't that much of a big deal, in my opinion, but I'd definitely revisit the wood. Keep it up though, looking forward to seeing more :thumbup:
@leleuxart: Which wood were you referring to? the wood on the floor or the bit under the wallpaper? I will also adjust the wallpaper so the "logo" is slightly smaller.
I have a little update, thought I would tackle the hardest part (IMO) and model the chair as I have never done anything like it!
The scene also seems very dark, I have upoed the min exposure in TOD from .3 to 1 so it wasn't REALLY dark, but it seems like there isn't much GI going on? Is that just how it is or am I missing some settings.
Here it is with an environment map added to it, which looks a bit better, but I didn't know if that was the correct way to go about brightening the scene.
Close up of chair
Thanks for looking!
Close up
You're using a VisArea and portals right? You should be able to adjust the ambient color in the VisArea and then place fill lights to emphasize the light bouncing.
The drawers are nice, but I think the chair fabric could use some more work. The specularity and smoothness make it seem more of something like plastic.
Yeah I am using visarea and portals, but the "ambient" slider doesn't seem to do anything :S I will properly do the lighting at the end though, it's working ok for what I need atm.
Yeah I'm not completely happy with the fabric. I've never done velvet before though so struggling to know where to take the dif/spec/gloss to make it look realistic. Any help in this area would be great.
Made the little bedside table tonight too. Think I might tackle the curtains next!
375 cloth simulations later...I have curtains!
Very happy with how they turned out, the inside shot they look really quite dark, but like I said, I will do the lighting at the end.
They look nicer in the sun outside though
I ended up having more of a solid box at the top, as the simulations for it kept coming out looking awful and didn't want to waste another day resimming it. If anyone had any good ideas on how to do it I'm all ears, but for the time being I think I will leave it as is
Thanks for looking, windows next!
Also updated the lighting slightly, adding some fake bounce lights. I will make the lighting more dramatic towards the end.
Thanks for looking.
The bed is 3706 tris with a 2k texture (I am also going to fit another bed and pillows on that texture too). The lamps are 3504, 1128 and 958 respectively. They are all on 1 2k texture. Towards the end of the project I will possibly resize textures to make them smaller, if I can, without ruining detail. I could probably do this on the lamps texture easily.
I am trying to optimise tri counts but without going overboard at the detriment of the asset. As this is for my portfolio I wanted to make everything look good
Loving the folds on the bed!
One thing and that might just be your camera fov;
Your room seems longer than the one in the concept.
It may end up looking emptier and less lived in that the concept, if it is.
You are right, I may have to adjust the FOV to make it look less spares, but I am going to get most of the items in first and see how it looks and adjust from there. Well noticed though.
Bit of a lighting update, new beds, textures, rug, plates and stuff
love the little flower detail on the chair!
btw, that small ashtray next to the bed,
you should put some fx in there and make the sigarettes glow and add smoke,
great work so far, keep it going!
@silver_hoodlum: Updated the floor tiling, looks much better. Will add post processing at the end...when I figure out how to do it that is
@LuCh!: I actually just tried sing one of the stock CE smoke effects on the cigarette but it just looked like a beam of white light coming from it so may have to make my own. I was thinking something small and wispy so hopefully shouldn't take too long.
Floor items added with just AO and normal. Also slightly adjusted camera and FOV
I want to model the pictures on the walls next. I found these for ref
But I just don't know where to start. Do I create a simple base mesh and zBrush it? But how would I go about it on the one with the curved edge, just create the silhouette and fill it in? or do I subD it all in Max?
They don't have to be EXACTLY like those, just something similar.
Just hit a motivational wall and just want some suggestions to help me through
Then I'd do one, or both of the following:
- create an alpha in zbrush from a floral sculpt and grabbing the zdepth.
- create an alpha in photoshop from photo ref and hand drawn sources.
Then you can use these alphas to stamp details onto the mesh in 2.5D.