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Advice on MA studies in Game Design

polycounter lvl 12
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_Montee_ polycounter lvl 12
Hi there,
so I'm starting my Masters in Games Design (concentrating on Environment Art/3D) at the end of this month, and I was wondering if anyone here has done one themselves and what kind of brief's or questions did you set yourself?

I'm a bit stuck on what sort of thing to look into you see. I was thinking something along the line of the effects environment has on gameplay or how to enhance it... or even lighting, I don't know.


  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    so are you doing art or game design? We do team up artists and level designers, which then come to a conclusion what gives the best look for the best gameplay, but usually each one is an expert in their own field.
  • _Montee_
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    _Montee_ polycounter lvl 12
    The course is MA Games Design, however it isn't specific. You do work towards a specialised role in the industry. I'm specialising in Environment Art. From what I know from my Lecturer, we can team up if the specific people have an idea or a skill set that tie together (Level Design or Concept art with Environments). However they prefer that you don't.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    I would heavily research the course before even remotely commiting to it, you very well may end up with debt and a lack of industry ready skills, if you don't pick your course wisely and dedicate yourself to some serious study, even with those two elements you may need serious study and practice after this course to be industry ready.

    Remain cautious but do not be discouraged.
  • _Montee_
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    _Montee_ polycounter lvl 12
    Oh don't you worry I'm very sure I want to go ahead lol. I have researched the course a lot and have done 3 years study in the field (graduated this summer). Just thought I would research into what other people have got up to in their studies before I start. thought it might help me generate some ideas for mine.
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