Latest Update, More at the bottom:

So I decided I need a female character to round out my portfolio and give myself a good challenge. I’m a fan of the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo films and books, so I've decided to attempt a Lisbeth Salander based on the actress Noomi Rapace from the Swedish films. The final will be game res (next gen) and I'll probably try to put together a nice realistic render in Keyshot.
I’ll start with all my reference. A lot was collected from her fan site. I tried to make sure it was all from roughly the same time period as the film itself. The rest was pulled from the first film. I tried to be a comprehensive as possible, pulling a bunch of lighting styles and angles.

I have more but you get the point.

The outfit Im going for is a combination of the pants, shoes and socks from the first pic below and the jacket, scarf and collar from the second, with the hand things from the last. Although I'm not sure how married I am to the idea of the collar...

And the hoody from the poster.

As far as I can tell the accessories I need for her.
HEAD- Scarf, Collar, Ear Rings, Nose rings, Eyebrow Stud
BODY- Jacket, Studs, Zippers, Fishnet Hand Things, T-Shirt (Mohawk Skull), Jeans (have zippers on them), Shoes (Nike Air Force 1 James Brown Leather), Socks, Hoody
This is my progress so far. Ive been mainly focusing on the head. The body is a block out from a couple days ago. I've been sculpting almost exclusively from the non- film ref to try and avoid making mistakes based on makeup and film post.

And here’s a Keyshot test with a quick polypaint.

There are still some general tweaks to make to the face but I think Im almost there. I know that the lips need to be squared a bit more but at this stage Ive been looking at it too long and need to get some perspective, so I thought time to make a thread. I'll after relevant changes. Crits appreciated if you have them.
Head with some polypaint and another keyshot test
Everything else so far. Im gonna try out marvelous designer for the jacket, i think.
Pants with some polypaint and shoes, before I added logos n junk.
Decided that before I tackle the coat I should probably take care of the hoodie first. Tested out Marvelous Designer on it and so far it seems like a time saver for getting a base to sculpt on. Right now this is maybe 60% MD. Still need to get it a bit more game friendly in terms of folds.
Also did some more polypaint and reworked the scarf and tshirt.
One with her in just the shirt, one with her in the shirt and jacket and one with her in everything.
looking forward to seeing this in its entirety.
Test bake on the pants, just ao and normals and the poly paint from zbrush right now. I used zremesher to get the low res topology, I still need to go back cut in some supportting geo for folds and deformation and lower the polycount a bit. Right now it's sitting around 3k for the pants. Having said that, zremeher is some seriously awesome shit.
I'm also thinking I'll have the belt loops as seperate floating geo. but I maybe over thinking it here.
...and a keyshot test. I'm comfortable with most of the setting so far, but I wont be able to really fine tune things till I do the spec and diffuse map.
Small Update
Sorted final UV's for shoes and pants, rebaked everything for another test. So far so good I think. I can feel the finish line approaching
Other than that your make excellent progress. Keep doing what you are doing.
some images:
MM- No need to apologize man, I sincerely appreciate the crit (Better now the when everything is all done right?
Tits- Thanks I'll work my hardest to stay worthy of that.
Everything has been baked down and texturing has been pushed as far as I can go with my own eyes. At it's heaviest the polycount is a little over 40k, granted that will change depending on which outfit is assembled but at most around 40k.
Texture wise hair is pretty much untouched right now, but I will be doing that today as well as additional tweaks and anything else that gets pointed out to me, like the shoe (I havent done it yet...) change that MM suggested. I have everything on three texture sets and fourth for the hair, I have an alternate set for her makeup as well. I'll post up progress tonight and some shots without any post.
Also added a bit more wear to the gloss map as well to break things up. Currently I'm rigging her Im for posing.
Got most of the textures dialed in, Little things here and there to change.
She is fully rigged and skinned, so here's the first pass on Pose 1. I still have to figure out a pose for the two other outfits. and figure out a better light set up.
More to do...
Also set up the third pose. I think I need to take it into zbrush and nudge the shoulders a bit to get it to sit on her a bit more.
Lighting is almost final, I need to tweak it per pose to really get all the oomphs.
Also,any thoughts on Post FX vs no Post FX? I've gotten some opinions so far but would appreciate more thoughts.
No post on the left and post on the right in the pics.
Ok folks, Im pulling the trigger on this project, I think she's gone as far as she can go.... Until Toolbag 2 that is
Here's the first group of presentation shots, I'll put the others up tomorrow some time.
Looking forward to see what you will do next
It seems strange that the jeans were prioritized over the hood.
Bek- Thanks man
LRoy- You mean the polycount is too high? She clocks in at around 42k which I think is in line with the goals that I set for myself.
The wireframe looks crazy because Im not deleting things like the hoodie and shirt under the jacket. It all fits pretty snugly on top of each other.
The tri count varies depending on which outfit we're talking about. The heaviest is around 42k and 35k at the lightest.
Here are some wireframes for the hoodie (5200 tri) and pants (3456 tri):
I did some makeup changes, I am not sure if this is what you are going for but I think it helps soften things up (in a hardcore way of course).
I also made a small adjustment to the hoodie based on a paintover Pior gave me, couldn't quite do his paintover justice, but I think the little I did helped.
So here are all the final images. Im callin it done now (In the portfolio it goes...) and I am happy to move on to something new now. Thanks everyone for all the help and the hangout crew for all your help.
Shoe details
All the textures
She seems a bit crosseyed though...