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Rock Sculpt

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DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
I was hoping that I could get some feedback on this rock sculpt before I actually create the low poly and texture it :)



  • Paunescu.Daniel
    its way to rounded, not enough sharp edges, it will look unnatural.
    the cracks that you put into it look more like knife cuts, rock cracks aren't like that.

    I tried to make rocks too thinking they are super easy to do, but that's completely wrong, you will find out that a nice, realistic rock model is one of the hardest things to model.

    Keep working on it and you will get it right one day, and don't forget to always use reference images.
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Are there any brushes that you prefer to use in Zbrush?
  • Haftoof
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    Haftoof polycounter lvl 4
    Love the intensity of the texture...
  • M.Petersen
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    M.Petersen polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Are there any brushes that you prefer to use in Zbrush?

    Agreed with Daniel,

    for the brushes, you should try hpolish to make the edges alot harder, now it looks like its very wet and soft.

    the cracks indeed more look like knife cuts, try to use the dem_standard brush (which I think you already did) but try to make a better use of it, not just small strokes but look at refference.


    If you look to the cracks they are all quite long and a bit 'curly' and not just straight small strokes.

    and just as Daniel said, realistic rocks are very hard to make but its a good practice!

    Gl with it!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Are there any brushes that you prefer to use in Zbrush?

    Check out orb's methods.

  • Paunescu.Daniel
    and another thing that i have noticed and you can see that in the image above, cracks in rocks usually have some sort of pattern, they are random but not 100%, a lot of times cracks tend to create certain geometric shapes on the surface of the rock, like rectangular shapes etc..
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks everyone, I'm going to try and make some brushes like the one that Orb has. I'll definitely have to look at reference (I did this one completely from the top of my head, I've just recently got back into modeling and sculpting) and apply the things that you guys have all described :)
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