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Character Artist Portfolio Review/Critique Wanted

polycounter lvl 3
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KKolar polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys! So I'm about to graduate and I'm starting to look for work, so having a solid portfolio is essential. I would love feedback on my work/website layout/pretty much anything that could make me a better artist.

Also I'm at a lose as to what to work on next. I can't decide between some hand painted characters(no normals) or some hi-poly zbrush sketches. Any advice on that would be cool to.

Known issues I'm working on now:
-Need to have a beauty shot of my characters(pose them and what not).
-Need to have my maps shown next to my characters(normal, diffuse, spec, etc).

Thanks in advance for checking out my work:


  • CarlK3D
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    CarlK3D polycounter lvl 7
    It would be a good Idea to Include a Resume Page. Including Info on your Technical Skills, Software knowledge, Experience & your Qualifications.

    On the plus side I like your Layout. Background suits your work well.
    you should have a render Including your Tri Count & UV + Sizes since your work looks nice but I cant tell how high each character is, which is Important.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Add more info like Where you live. Usually, City + Zip Code.
    Add name and website to every art piece if you can.
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    All the things the guys posted above. It's important to have your name and website link on images because someone may save it and look at it later and not remember where it's from.

    The first thing I saw when I loaded your website was that the thumbnails of the 3d and 2d section being about the same character. It just made me think you probably haven't done much work. So changing up the thumbnails could add some variety on first focus.

    You also have the same images on both pages. Fix that up, if your making 3d image stills like the orc, that's still considered 3d art. I'd also suggest keeping the names of your character on the images instead of the site, this way it makes more room for screen space and other images may catch our eye.

    I'm not really a fan of that contact page. People would rather use their email sites to contact you, so just having the resume page as mentioned above with your contact info AND downloadable resume in pdf/doc formats would also be a good suggestion.
  • KKolar
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    KKolar polycounter lvl 3
    Awesome, thank you guys so much for the feedback! I will get on those fixes right away. Really means a lot that you took some time out of your day to look at my work and provide some feedback, thanks!
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