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Vandal Hearts VGRemix Continuation

polycounter lvl 18
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D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
Salamander added:

Figured I wouldn't get many helpful responses in the VGRemix thread so I am going to continue this here, time willing and update as I create new content for the total idea I had.

Plus this is too much fun for me. :)

Let me know what you think what can be fixed and maybe give some tips and tricks to help make this a pretty cool piece.

Best viewed with google chrome, the transparency will work there.


  • D4V1DC
    Offline / Send Message
    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Crimson Hawk:
    Just standard mats for now.


    Need more enemy units, I really liked the look of the Crimson Hawk, I haven't unwrapped him yet so any C & c is welcome. He is exactly at 500 tris with his armor, the belt weapon and pipes for his wing pack are at 78 tris, the wings & pack exactly at 100, give or take. ;) I might add in the packstraps since I have 22 tris left from the weapon.

    I will be doing more enemy bosses as well the final 3 to be exact, maybe I will add the crimson guard leaders if I don't get bored with this after the enemy bosses.

    Also if anyone wants to see any of these without all the diorama I'll post separate sketch fabs.
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